chpt 325

46 2 0

You turn off the shower faucet and you both walk out. You both noticed that there was one towel left. You slowly walk towards it and Justin speed walks. You quickly run and grab the towel before Justin can. You laugh in Justins face and wrap the towel around your body.
Justin groans and tries to take the towel from you but you smack his hand away. "Ow babe." Justin says as he rubs the spot you smacked him. "Theres more towels in the bathroom downstairs." You tell him. Justin lets out a sigh of relief. "Can you go get me one?" Justin asks as water drips down his wet body. "If you want it, you have to get it." You tease. Justins jaw drops. "Come on *yn*. Its cold." Justin whines. "Then I guess you should head downstairs as fast as possible." You say slowly as you peck his wet cheek. You walk into the bedroom followed by Justin. Justin walks over to the bedroom door and quickly walks out. Its kinda messed up how your making him go himself when hes dripping wet, but you just wanted to see the view. A thought suddenly came into your head. You quickly tip toe to the bedroom door and shut it closed, locking it. Justin comes walking up the stairs with a towel around his waist. Justin places his hand on the knob and tries to open it. Justin laughs when he sees you locked it. "Ouh you think your just so sneaky huh?" Justin says from the other side of the door. You softly laugh. Justin stays quiet for awhile. You start to wonder what he was doing or planning. "I think you forgot that our luggages are at the front. Which means you have nothing to change into." Justin says with a grin. You gasp when you noticed he was right. You unlock and open the bedroom door, seeing Justin standing in front of you, already dressed. You stick your tongue out at him as you walk passed him and walked towards the luggages. You look through but cant seem to find any of your clothes. "Justin!" You yell.

*yn* 's fairytale prt 2Where stories live. Discover now