chpt 358

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You wave your mother goodbye at the front door of the cabin. She waves back and drives off. You struggle to try to ring the doorbell with all the presents and the plate of cookies, but you still managed to ring it. "Got it!" A familiar voice yells from the inside. The person opens the door and grins when they see you. Justin. "Hey baby!" Justin says happily. You smile at him. Justin looks down at the stuff you were carrying. "Here, lemme help." Justin says and grabs nearly all the presents, leaving you with the plate of cookies. "Come in." Justin says. You kick the snow off your Uggs and step inside the cabin. Justin walks into the cabin to set the presents down. You close the door behind you and remove your coat, hanging it up on a rack. You walk around the cabin until you find the room everyone was gathered in. The kitchen and living room. You greet everyone with kisses on the cheeks and hugs. When you got the chance, you placed the cookies on the counter. You look around the room to find Justin. You suddenly spot Justin kneeled on the floor, talking to Jazzy and Jaxon. You smile and walk towards them. Jazzy and Jaxon notice you and run to you while shouting out your name. You kneel down to them and hug them both. Justin stands back up and places his hands in his pockets as he looks at you with a smile. "Hi cuties! I missed you guys!" You say. "I missed you too!" Jazzy shouts in excitment. You laugh. "Did you guys see that Santa brought you guys more presents?" You ask excitedly. "Yeah!" Jaxon yells. "Are you guys going to open them?" You ask. "Yeah, but JuJu said not until later." Jazzy replies. "He did?" You ask with a smile as you look up at Justin. You look back over at Jazzy and Jaxon. "Well, im gonna go say 'Hi' to JuJu, okay?" You say. They both nod their heads and run away. You stand up and slowly walk towards Justin. When you're close enough to him, Justin takes his hands out of his pockets and place his arms around your waist, pulling you into him.

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