chpt 284

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In the morning, you wake up to vacumme. You slowly open your eyes and spot Justin sleeping in bed next to you. Wait...If Justins sleeping...whos vacumming? You suddenly sit up on the bed. You start to panic and get scared. You then hear your mom yelling downstairs. You let out a sigh of relief and lay back down in bed. Wait, how did she get in? You stretch out your legs and arms from underneath the sheets. You spot the ring that Justin gave you on your middle finger. You smile and examine it. A thought suddenly pops in your mind. You take the ring off your middle finger and you slowly slide it down on your ring finger. You put your hand out in front of you and grin. Justin suddenly opens his eyes. You get startled and you quickly take off the ring from your ring finger. Justin smiles at you. "What are you doing?" Justin asks in his sexy morning voice. "What? Nothing." You reply fast. You quickly slide the ring back on your middle finger. "Were you doing what I think you did?" Justin asks. "What? I-I-I dont know what your talking about." You reply. Justin laughs. "You had the ring placed on your ring finger." Justin says. You start to blush. "No..." You reply. "Your lieing." Justin says with a smile. You stay quiet. "Wanna know how I know?" Justin asks as he pulls you closer to him. "Cause you get" Justin whispers. You gulp down on saliva that was building up on your mouth. Justin gently presses his lips on your cheek. " caught me.." You say quietly. You were so embarrased. Justin laughs. "You wanted to see how a marriage ring would look on you, right?" Justin asks. You slowly nod your head yes. Justin smiles. "I find that cute. Actually attractive." Justin says. "You do?" You ask."Yeah. It means your thinking about the future...our future." Justin replies. You lightly smile. "Do you ever think about the future?" You ask softly. Justin looks at you and you look into his eyes. "Of course." Justin says as he moves a strand of your hair behind your ear. "Jaxon put down that dog food!" Jeremy yells from downstairs. Justin looks at you confused. "How the hell did they get in the house?" Justin asks. You shrug. "And to think I was just about to walk down there naked." Justin says and you giggle.

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