chpt 259

46 3 0

After the boys finished playing X-box, you all decided to order chinese for dinner. "What do you guys want?" Justin asks as hes on the phone with the chinese restaurant. "Uhm can I have orange chicken with a bowl of white rice." You say. "Can I get two orders of orange chicken and a bowl of white rice." Justin says into the phone. "Alfredo what do you wanna eat?" Justin asks. Alfredo tells Justin his order and Justin repeats the order into the phone. "Okay. Thank you." Justin says and hangs up. Justin stands up and places his hands on his hips. "So what do you guys want to do?" Justin asks. You click the PhotoBooth on the laptop and you place it on the coffee table. "Pictures?" You say with a smile. You pat the couch for Justin to sit. You scoot in the middle of the couch. Justin walks to you and sits next to you. Fredo and Justin sit on the side of you. You reach over to the laptop and you setup the timer. You click the black and white filter. You press enter and the timer starts. You sit back and quickly smile. Justin and Fredo smile too. You press enter again and you hold up the peace sign. Justin and Fredo copy you and do it too. The next picture, you wrap your arms around Justin and Alfredo's neck and you give them both bunny ears. Next, Justin kisses your cheek and Fredo just smiles. Next, you all gasp and act surprised. Next, Justin and Alfredo lean into your cheeks and kiss them. Next, you all did a creepy pedophile smile. You all took tons of pictures. "Okay last picture." You say. You press enter and you sit back and smile. Justin surprises you and grabs your chin and makes you look at him. He smiles at you and presses his lips against yours. Alfredo pouts his lips. The timer goes off and the camera snaps a picture. You pull away from the kiss and smile at Justin. You grab the laptop off the coffee table and you place it on your laugh. You all look through the pictures and laugh at them. The last picture comes up and you smile. "This is my favorite." You say. Justin rests his chin on your shoulder and kisses your shoulder. "Mine too." Justin replies. "My favorite is when we all smiled like pedophiles..." Alfredo lets out.

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