chpt 229

68 3 0

You spot Justin laying in bed already. You walk back into the bathroom to blow out the candles. When you finished, you walk back in the bedroom. You crawl in bed and you go underneath the blankets. You lay your head down on the pillow and you look at Justin. Justin looks back at you and then reaches for something in the plastic bag. Justin pulls out a mini bottle and drops the plastic bag on the floor. Justin lays his head on his pillow and faces you. You both stare into each others eyes. Justin uncaps the bottle and squeezes it. A clear substance comes out and he puts some onto his finger. Justin scoots closer to you and gently spreads the substance on the scratch on your face. You yelp as it burns. Justin quickly blows at your scratch. The burning stops and Justin stops blowing. He moves a strand of your hair behind your ear to keep it from touching your wound. "Your so beautiful." Justin whispers. "Thanks...but I don't think im very attractive with this scratch on my face." You mumble."You are to me." Justin whispers. You blush and smile. "To be honest...this scratch kinda makes me feel like a bad ass..." You say quietly. Justin lets out a soft laugh. "Your so cute." Justin says with a smile. "Bad asses aren't cute..." You reply. Justin scoots closer to you and places his hand on your hip. "Your right. Their sexy." Justin says as he licks his lips. He starts to caress your hip. You smile and tenderly press your lips on his. As you and Justin continue to kiss, Justin reaches for the lamp and closes the light.

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