chpt 228

59 4 0

After five minutes, Justin comes walking into the bathroom with a plastic bag in one hand and a Starbucks cup in the other. You smile when you see Justin. Justin smiles back and walks over to the tub. Justin sits on the ledge of the tub and digs into the bag. "Here's your snickers bar...and I got you a little extra thing." Justin says as he hands you the Starbucks cup. You take it from him and you take a sip. "Hmm hot chocolate." You moan. Justin chuckles. You place the hot chocolate on the ledge of the tub and you stare at Justin. Justin stares back at you. "Come here." Justin whispers. You slowly move towards Justin. Justin gently turns you around so your back is facing him. Justin rolls up the arms of his sweater and places his warm hands on your neck. Justin starts to rub his fingers into your neck, giving you a nice massage. You close your eyes and relax. He starts to move down to your shoulders and to your upper back. After what felt like a ten minute massage, you feel Justin place his lips on your shoulder. He starts to give you trails of kisses up to your neck. He starts to stick his teeth in your neck. You moan and get goosebumps. Justin suddenly pulls away, leaving you to beg for more. Justin grabs the plastic bag and you watch him walk out the bathroom. You stand up from the tub and you reach for a towel. You wrap the towel around your body and you get out of the tub. You drain the water in the tub and you quickly dry yourself. You walk out of the bathroom and into the bedroom. You spot Justin changing into his pajamas. You pass Justin and you walk into the closet where you changed into a new pair of underwear and pajamas. You slowly come across a mirror in the closet. You stop and stare at yourself. You thought about what Selena had said. You quickly shake it off your mind and walk into the bedroom.

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