chpt 245

74 2 0

Justin walks into the living room near the fireplace. The fireplace was surprisingly already lit. Justin stops and you slide off Justins back. Justin goes over to the couch and grabs pillows and blankets. Justin places the blankets and pillows near the fireplace, making it comfortable. You smile and sit down when he finishes. "I'll be back." Justin says. "Making the dinner you owe me?" You tease. Justin smiles and nods his head yes. "Its not Ramen soup, right?" You ask. Justin ignores you and walks into the kitchen. You sigh and gaze at the fireplace. You look at the coffee table that was placed in front of the couch. You crawl over to it and you grab a notebook and pen that was laying on it. You crawl back to the blankets and sit near the fireplace. You begin to scribble and doodle in the notebook. After fifteen minutes, you hear the door bell ring. "Got it!" Justin yells. Who could that be? You listen to try to hear Justin and someones conversation. "Alright thanks man." Justin says and closes the front door. Justin comes walking into the living room with a box of pizza. You scoff. "Pizza? I thought you were going to make dinner." You say. "No. I said I'll get dinner." Justin replies and places the box of pizza on the floor next to you. You open up the box of pizza, revealing Hawaiian Pizza. Of course. Justins favorite. Justin inhales the smell of the pizza and groans. He walks out of the living room again. He comes back five minutes later with two cups. Justin hands you a cup. "Careful. Its hot." Justin says. You take it from Justin and you take a sip of what was inside. Hot chocolate. Justin sits across from you and places the blankets on top of his legs and feet. You both reach for a slice of pizza and start to eat. "Bon Appetit." Justin says with his mouth full of pizza.

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