chpt 225

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Demi pulls up to her house and parks the car in her driveway. Demi lets out a sigh. "Well that was fun." Demi says. You look over at Demi with a small smile. "Thanks for the coffee." You reply. Demi nods her head. "No problem. Im just so sorry about what happened. If I would've known Selena would be there, we would'nt have gone there in the first place." Demi says quietly. You sit in silence. "Are you sure you don't want to come in and relax in my house for a bit?" Demi asks. "Thanks but I should be heading back home. Justins probably waiting for me." You reply. Demi nods her head and opens the car door. You open the car door too and you walk over to the drivers side. Demi stands in front of you and gives you an unexpected hug. You softly gasp. A smile comes across your face as you hug her back. "Thanks for being there for me." You whisper as you pull back from the hug. "Hey. I know you would've done the same for me..." Demi replies with a smile. You step inside the car and Demi closes the car door after you. She steps back from the car. You start the engine and you back out of Demi's driveway. Demi waves goodbye. You slowly wave back and drive onto the road. When you arrived at the house, you parked the Range Rover in the driveway. You step out of the car and you slowly walk up the path towards the front door.You were a bit nervous. You wondered if the news of the fight spread quickly and Justin found out about it. As you get to the front door, you reach for the doorknob. The doorknob swings open before you can touch it. By the front door was Justin. He still had on his pajamas. You slowly look up at Justin. He had a disappointed face on and his eyes were filled with sadness. You slowly look down at your shoes. "I take it, you already heard about what happened..." You say quietly.

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