chpt 279

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"Justin? Whats happening?" You ask. "Just watch." Justin says. Everyone was looking at you with big grins and all cameras were pointed at you. Everyone seemed to know what was going on besides you. "Ready!" Justin shouts. A rack of clothes started to come into the room. You looked confused. Another rack of clothes rolled in, followed by another. You suddenly realize they were the clothes from TopShop. Racks of clothing from TopShop. You gasp and walk over to the racks. You looked through all of them with amazement. You then spotted the sweaters you pointed out to Justin that one night when you were on the computer. You looked back at Justin who had a big grin on his face. You run towards him and give him a big bug. "I cant believe you." You whisper into his neck. Justin pulls you away from the hug. "Everyone pitched in." Justin says. You gasp and look around the room at Justins family and your family. "You guys really didnt have to do this." You say sadly. You still had a smile on your face. Everyone cooed. This was probably the surprise Alfredo was talking about. You walked around the room giving everyone big loving hugs. Justin rolls out the racks of clothing into the empty kitchen. You thanked everyone again and you look around the house for Justin. You suddenly spot him outside with the boys again. You open the backdoor and step onto the deck. Justin grins at you. You walk over to the boys and you sit on Justin's lap. Justin wraps his arms around your body. You listen to the boys conversation and stay quiet. You suddenly place your lips near Justins ear. "I hate you." You say into Justins ear and smile. Justin looks at you and laughs. "Why?" He replies with a grin. "Cause you got three racks of TopShop clothing. Do you know how expensive that is?" You whisper in his ear. "Don't worry about." Justin says and lightly pats your ass with his hand. "Justin. I saw a four hundred dollar coat in that rack. And that was only one clothing item." You whisper again in his ear. "*yn* everyone pitched in. They knew it'll make you happy. Just smile. Dont worry about it." Justin says as he carreses your ass with his hands. "I know..but I feel like a little girl. Having people pay for my clothes. I just turned nineteen. I can pay for it myself." You whisper. Justin chuckles. "Its a birthday present babe." Justin says. You sigh. "You feel like a little girl?" Justin asks. You pout your bottom lip and nod yes. Justin softly laughs. "Your not..." Justin says with a smile. You smile back. "Especially when it comes to sex." Justin whispers in your ear. You blush and hide your redness in Justins neck. Justin laughs. "Your my woman." Justin says as he rubs his thumb on a part of your skin that was showing from when your shirt lifted up a bit. "Whens the cake coming out?" Alfredo asks. "You fat ass. We just finished eating pizza." Justin says and laughs. "Dude im fucking hungry." Fredo says as he rubs his tummy. You look at Justin. You both look at each other and you both nod your head in agreement. "Theres a box of Oreos in the kitchen." You say with a grin. "Are you serious?" Alfredo asks and stands up on his feet. He walks towards the house and gets in. "He doesnt even know where it is." You tell Justin and softly giggle. "Honey, its Fredo. He knows where to find his Oreos." Justin says. You all laugh.

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