Gear Shift

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*Dan's point of view*

"Bye love!" I yelled walking out of the door. I got in my car and pulled out of our driveway, I slowly lost sight of our blue house as I drove away. I was going to the store, we were making some chicken dish, but had no chicken.
We were great at planning ahead.

I sauntered up and down the aisles. I figured I might as well get some snacks while I was here. I decided on sweets and picked from the many choices.

"Dan?" I heard from behind me, I turned around and was met with a face I hadn't seen in four years.
Standing in front of me, was Phil.
Nothing about him had changed. He had the same raven black fringe, and the same intensely blue eyes.
"Oh my god, Phil!" I laughed a little walking over to him. "How have you been? Long time no see!" I laughed.
"I've been great!" He said, his smile was brighter than I have ever seen it. "What's new with you?!" He ran his fingers through his hair a little.
"Well, for starters, I'm married now!" I laughed holding up the finger that my wedding ring was on. Phil gave me a surprised look.
"Wow! Good for you, man," He said looking at the ring.
"What's new with you?!" I asked back.
"Well, actually, I've written a book recently," He said happily.
"Wow, that's really-"

I was a about to ask him what it was about when I realized, we were in the middle of the grocery.
"We should hang out and get a coffee sometime, catch up, you know?" I asked grabbing my phone from my pocket. We exchanged numbers and decided to meet that Thursday, I was more excited than ever.

Phil was my best friend for about ten years, he was also my boyfriend for nine. The best friend side of me loved him and never wanted to leave him, but the boyfriend side of me... well, it snapped.

The boyfriend side of me loved him, but it started to turn rotten, both of our dating sides did. We started to resent each other, more than anything, we couldn't even be near each other. The only thing we could do was fight at all hours of the day. Our kisses, if we had any, were sour. If we ever made love, it just.. wasn't the same. If we even do much as cuddled, it felt so distant.
It was something we couldn't come back from.
It was something that made us break up, for good.

Eventually we got in such a bad fight, I left, Phil didn't stop me. We made separate videos, not saying much, but saying enough. We both decide to quit Youtube.

It took me a year, but eventually, I started dating again. I got a job at a tech place, and found myself falling in love with a girl.

Her name was Rachel. She had curly brown hair that was the perfect length, it wasn't so long that it would get in the way, but it wasn't so short that I couldn't tuck it behind her ears when we were cuddling. Her eyes were a light purple color. She had Alexandria's Genesis, a genetic mutation that made eyes purple. They were the first thing I fell in love with.

I remember the first day we met, she absolutely hated me. She always said that she was not going to date people she worked with. That was until I pulled her under my spell... that and I wouldn't leave her alone until we could at least be friends.

Two years later we got married, I'll be honest, at first, all I could think about up at that alter, was Phil. Then all of the sudden I heard her name, and a gear in my head shifted. There would be no more crying over Phil. No more watching his old videos. No more doing things that reminded me of him. No more reading our old texts. No more looking through our old pictures.
No more Phil.
I was finally over him, and onto someone new.

The lead up to going to see Phil had been painfully slow. All I could think about was seeing him. He was my best friend once, I wanted that part of him back.

That Thursday night I kissed Rachel all over her freckled face and started to walk out the door. I told her I was meeting up with an old friend that I hadn't talk to in a while, she was, of course, perfectly fine with it. Rachel was honestly the perfect wife, she was laid back but so on top of things at the same time. I admired her more than anything.

I walked out the door and got into the car, I was more excited to meet Phil than I ever was. I felt like the first time we met in that train station.

Once I got to the shop I walked into the door. I sat near the widow and after about five minutes, Phil walked in.
I couldn't help it, my heart fluttered.

He sat across from me and we talked about our lives now. I got married and Rachel and we were planning on having kids soon. Phil wrote a book and was thinking about maybe starting Youtube again.
Maybe I would too.

As we talked we were almost touching noses because we were so close to each other. Every once and a while Phil's hand would wander near mine, but I never stopped it.

We stayed in that coffee shop for four hours, it was around nine at night when we finally walked out.
I don't know what came over me next, but..

When Phil suddenly kissed me, I never stopped him. I wanted the kiss, I didn't even think about Rachel. All I could think about is how much I missed Phil's lips. I know, I should have pushed him off, but I couldn't.

He was the one to pull away.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, you're married," He said facepalming. The beating in my heart was growing faster, he wanted me as much as I wanted him. I glanced up at his frantic look, should I give into this feeling?
"Want to go to the hotel nearby?" I asked in a breath getting really close to him. You could see our breaths in the cold air mingle.

And with that, we started to run to the hotel a block away. I didn't know what was happening with me, it felt... strange. I was never one for being scandalous, but here I was, having an affair.
And I liked it.

We got to the front desk out of breath.
"Can we have one room?" Phil asked breathing heavily, the lady glanced up at our intertwined hands.
"One bed, I'm guessing?" She raised her eyebrows.
"Yes," We said, almost at the same time.

We paid, she handed us the keys, and we got into the lift. I grew impatient with anticipation and I sat there with my pants tightening. Next thing I know, Phil slams me against the wall. He ran his fingers through my hair wildly as our tongues swirled together. I moaned into the kiss.

The bell rang and we both eagerly ran out the shaft and to the our room. We got into the room and made out as we slowly entered the small bedroom. Phil pushed me on the bed and crawled on top of me. He hungrily went for my neck as he grinded against me.
"Fuck me like you used to," I moaned in his ear, he eagerly took his shirt off. I was always a bottom with Phil, but now, because I was with a girl, I was a top.
I prefer bottom.

You can probably guessed what happened the rest of the night.
Why did I let it happen?
That gear that I told you about earlier, the one that shifted at the alter, well,
it shifted back.

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