The Book

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*Phil's point of view*

I wasn't the type of person to go to auctions. I've never even been to one my whole life. But, I found myself taking a seat in the front row to one. I didn't have much money on me compared to the other people in the room, but the item I had my eye on was extremely important. I had to have it. So, I was determined. I was going to spend as much money as I could on it. Even then (bidding two thousand pounds), I didn't get it.

The particular item was a Winnie the Pooh book signed by A. A. Milne, so I needed it. I don't really care for the books, but I wanted it for Dan. His grandmother read those books to him until he felt too old for bedtime stories. Even then, he would go over and read them sometimes or they would try to find old copies for each other. They did this until the day she died, which was only a few days ago. He loved those books with all his heart and he deserved something nice after the week he had.

I needed that book... no Dan needed that book. It took almost twenty minutes, but I eventually figured out who had bought the book. The second the auction was over I ran to the lady who had before she could leave. She had spent £4,075 on it, so there was a chance I could get the book from her. There was also a big chance she could tell me to piss off. I don't know how negotiations work, but I hoped I could work out a deal with her.

"Excuse me?" I got her attention right before she walked out the doors. She turned and looked at me expectantly, almost bored and irritated at the same time. She was a bigger lady, she wore an elegant coat and had curly red hair sticking out of her large hat. She wore bright colored makeup and carried a bag with the book and many other things. I wanted to cry, from the looks of it there was no way I was going to get the book. I tried anyway. "Is there any way I could have that book?" I hoped.

"I beg your pardon?" She frowned. She didn't seem happy at all to be giving it up. I probably wouldn't either. My hope started to dwindle as I realized I needed to ask again. I should've, but I couldn't give up.

"I really need that book. I'll do anything for it," I begged. I scrambled the money I had out of my coat pocket, along with my card. "I have two thousand pounds I could give you right now and I could work on getting you any amount more."

She glanced down at the book in her hands and back up to me. She seemed to think for a few moments. Her glare was scrutinizing as she stared at the money I had offered in my hand. "You really love this book that much?" She asked judgmentally.

"No," I sighed. Truly I didn't care much for Winnie the Pooh. Sure, they were pretty good, but nothing I would spend this much money on. I realized that I wouldn't even spend this much money on a gift for a friend. "I love the boy who loves that book..." I explained. "I love him more than anything," I realized. She looked at me, looking back and forth between my eyes. Her gaze seemed to soften a bit.

"You see, I work at an antique shop, so this book doesn't mean much to me..." She trailed off. She lightly ran her long coated nails over the binding. She seemed to think about things. "This book would be worth quite a bit..." She muttered. I was about to get on my knees and start begging. "But," I looked up hopefully. The cleaner at my antique shop has recently gotten surgery, so I do need a temporary worker..." She seemed to smile a little as she saw my face lighten up.

"I'll do it!" I said excitedly. "I'll clean the shop for free for as long as you need and you can have the two thousand right now!" I offered. She gave in and grinned at me. Although, she shook her head, declining the offer.

"How about you give me one thousand right now, and then clean my shop for me for three months for free?" She offered back.

"Yes!" I exclaimed. "Yes that sounds amazing! Thank you!" With a sad glance she handed me the book. She handed me a small card with the information on her shop on it, telling me when I would have to come in and clean. Three in the morning was not going to be a fun time to wake up and clean at, but it would be worth it.

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