Castiel X Reader Imagine #35 (REQUESTED)

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This was requested by karlacostaanctil

When you met Castiel he seemed so lost. He was newly human. You had known about angels and the hunting life. You were a hunter after all. The Winchesters had asked you to watch after the former angel. Figured he was safer with a hunter the angels weren't targetting. At first, it was a little weird. Being a lone hunter most of the time you weren't used to having someone around. Especially someone though grown was much like a child. Castiel had to learn so much about being human. You helped him learn when to eat when to sleep, and even that he wasn't supposed to eat the toothpaste.

Over time he adjusted and you two became close. In fact, you found yourself falling for Castiel. How couldn't you? He was sweet, kind, awkward in the most adorable way, and though it was just a vessel he was cute. It was now your favorite time of year, Christmas. You couldn't wait to show Castiel what humans did for the holiday. He watched as you went to work getting out your tree and fluffing it out. He then helped you with the oh so fun task of untangling the lights. He watched as you concentrated on wrapping the lights around the tree so it didn't look messed up.

After you explained he happily helped you decorate the tree. You looked over at the angel after you turned the lights on. Castiel looked completely entranced by the lights. Their reflection making his dark blue eyes sparkle. "You still haven't explained the little bundle of twigs above the doorway to me," he said pointing to the mistletoe you hung up. You blushed.

"It's called mistletoe," you said.

"What's the purpose of mistletoe?" he asked. You blushed deeper.

"Well it's a tradition," you explained as he followed you until you were standing right under it, "if you manage to catch someone under it. Especially someone you like. You can do this," you gently pulled him to and placed a soft kiss on his lips,". When you pulled away he looked taken by surprise. "Sorry," you said suddenly feeling like a fool.

"Don't be sorry Y/N," he said as he gently wrapped his arms around you, "I think I too like mistletoe,". Before you knew it his lips brushed against yours again. 

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