Jack X Reader Imagine #20 (REQUESTED)

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AUTHOR NOTE: This was requested by haileykw96

Jack stood with your brothers in the kitchen. Staring at the one gift he couldn't wait to give you. "It's gonna be ok Jack," Sam assured him.

"She loves you," Dean added, "she'll accept it,". He took a deep breath and headed up the hall. It was Christmas morning and you had actually gotten the boys to celebrate this year. Jack entered and you both smiled at each other.

"Y/N," he said, "I have one more gift for you if you'll accept it that is,".

"What is it Jack?" you asked curiously. He smiled and you noticed a little blush to his cheeks. But your eyes widened when he got down on one knee and held out a beautiful diamond ring.

"Y/N Winchester," he said, "will you marry me?". Tears stung at your eyes as you smiled.

"Yes Jack," you said, "I'll marry you,". He smiled bigger than you'd ever seen as he slid the ring on your finger. When he stood up you wrapped him in the biggest hug he'd ever had.

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