Wrongfully Accused (Lucifer X Reader)

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AUTHOR NOTE: This an AU where everyone is human.

You were spending the afternoon helping your brother Sam and his best friend Castiel sort through old cases. Sam was a law professor and Castiel was a lawyer. You were sorting files on his desk when you saw a banilla envelope that said Pen Pal Project on it. "What's that?" you asked pointing to it.

"It's this pen pal project the local prison is doing," Sam explained, "they want their most harmless to hopefully find a pen pal as a way of preparing them for release if they get it,".

"Can I look?" you asked intrigued.

"Sure, just please don't write to anyone," he said, "they can be dangerous,". You took the envelope and headed off to get lunch. As you ate lunch you looked over the files of the inmates for the pen pale project. So far none of the inmates caught your eye. Until you got to the last file in the envelope. This guy had shaggy blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. What caught you the most was the look of clear hurt on his face. His name caught you by surprise too. His name was Lucifer Shurley. You knew people could be out there with biblical names, but you've never heard anyone being named after the devil himself. There was something about this guy that just seemed to call to you. You had to write to him. You felt like you almost needed to write to him. You knew you couldn't join the program itself. Both your brother's would have a fit plus Dean was a cop.

So you decided to keep Lucifer's file for yourself. You were sure Sam wouldn't notice anyway. After you were done helping Sam and Castiel you headed home. You changed into your pajamas and read Lucifer's file a little more. His mother died giving birth. His father was a very famous author and very well known priest in town. He had a son named Jack who was three and the mother wouldn't let him see the child. He was in jail serving a five-year prison sentence for stealing money from his father. He had served a year and a half so far. The file did state Lucifer has always maintained his innocence and his story has never changed. It also mentioned how with good behavior he could get out, but he always seemed to be some kind of fight that would delay that. You made up your mind and decided to write to him. You got out a pen and paper and wrote down the pen pal information. You decided you would write the first letter tomorrow as you had some apartments to show off in the morning. The next day after showing a few apartments in the buildings you managed you took your lunch break and decided to write your pen pal letter. You sat there and debated on what to say.

Hi Lucifer,

I'm not sure what to really say. I saw your file in a pen pal project my brother is working on with his law school class. I snuck your file out. I can't explain why or even how but I feel this strong need to write to you. I feel as though we should get to know each other. If this is something you'd like to try please write me back.

Thank you,

Y/N Y/L/N.

The next morning you stuck the letter in your mailbox. Hoping Lucifer would answer.

A few days later Lucifer was in his cell when mail time came around. "Look here," a cop teased stopping by his cell, "Satan finally got some mail,". Lucifer just gave the jerk cop a cold stare as he threw the letter in the cell and walked off chuckling. Lucifer picked the letter up and checked it out. He didn't recognize the address it came from. He opened it and read it. It was short, but kind of took him by surprise. Someone had actually reached out to him. The writer seemed sweet, genuine. Lucifer wasn't sure if this was worth his time or not. Should he write back and get to know this Y/N Y/L/N or just chop this up to a fluke? 

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