Devil's Heart Part 4 (FINALE)

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You and Lucifer were in an abandoned hotel. It was close to the cemetery where he would have to battle his brother. He sat beside you gently holding your hands in his. "Does my new vessel bother you?" he asked. You smiled.

"It's not as appealing as the one I met you in," you said, "but the vessel isn't important. It's the angel inside,". You gently caressed his cheek. He leaned over planting a firm but gentle kiss on your lips. You swear nothing felt more right than the feeling of his frosty lips on yours. When the kiss broke he could see worry in your eyes.

"Something is troubling you," he said.

"I guess I'm just worried about tomorrow," you said. You may have known the archangel a short time but you couldn't nor did you want to deny that you were completely in love with him. Lucifer understood and just held you close to him. He would never admit it but he was worried too. Here he had this beautiful woman. Yes, you were human but the beauty of your soul was so beautiful and pure he was smitten the minute he saw you.

"I promise I will fight my hardest for you," he told you as he ran his cool fingers through your hair. You two just sat there. You in the cold embrace of your angel. The only place that ever felt secure to you. The next morning you and Lucifer were standing in the middle of the cemetery. The angel wrapped you in his arms and just held onto you. "He'll be here soon," he said, "hide behind those trees and stay there no matter," You nodded. Lucifer gave you a soft kiss before you went and hid. Lucifer stood in the middle of the cemetery when there was another flutter of wings. It was Micheal. His vessel was a little shorter than Lucifer's.

Lucifer tried to beg his brother to reconsider but Micheal wouldn't. The hurt and pain on Lucifer's face as Micheal told him he hadn't changed at all broke your heart. Right as Lucifer and Micheal started to circle each other you heard music and noticed Dean's Impala driving up to the cemetery. Everything went so fast and before you knew it Lucifer was laying into Dean. Suddenly he stopped. You couldn't make out what he said but it like he wad telling Dean he had him. You watched as he reached his hand in the pocket of his jacket and fished out the rings. He tossed them on the ground and a big hole opened up. You heart paced as you watched him go toward the whole. You screamed as he grabbed onto Micheal and jumped in. By the time you reached it was closed You felt to your knees and just cried. Every good thing you finally had in your life. Security, protection and most importantly love was gone and you knew you would never get it back.

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