Castiel X Reader Imagine #36 (REQUESTED)

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This was requested by bxby_saff

Castiel watched you from the window of the log cabin you had rented. You and the angel had been together for one year. Castiel knew how much you loved wintertime and how much you thought log cabins were gorgeous so for both a Christmas and a one year anniversary gift you both decided to stay in the cabin for a few weeks. You were cutting logs for the fire.

The angel offered to help but you told him not to worry. Once you gathered enough wood he helped carry some in and you got a fire started. Once it was again nice and warm in the small cabin and headed to the little kitchen area and made some fresh hot cocoa to go with the little gingerbread snowmen you made which you dusted with powdered sugar and little M&Ms for the eyes and buttons. You grabbed the plate of cookies and your mug of cocoa and headed back over to your angel who was sitting on the sofa. You snuggled up to him and just looked out the window as the snowflakes slowly fell. "Hey Cas," you said still watching the snow, "is it true that no two snowflakes are the same?".

"Yes, nature has had the ability to somehow make them each uniquely formed,". he stated.

"I bet they're so beautiful close up," you said. Castiel and kissed the top of your head.

"They are but no near as beautiful as you Y/N," he said as you looked up into his sapphire eyes, "my beautiful snowflake,". You smiled and softly pecked your angel's lips.

#mishacollins #castiel #teamfreewill #supernatural #fanfiction #supernaturalimagines #spnimagines 

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