Castiel X Reader Imagine #27 (REQUESTED)

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AUTHOR NOTE: This was requested by maryarmina

You and the boys were on your way back from a werewolf hunt. You were exhausted and rested your head on Castiel's shoulder and the sound of the car's engine lulled you to sleep. You woke up about half an hour later when Dean pulled into the parking lot of an all-night convenience store. "Where are we?" you asked.

"Snack stop," he said getting out of the car. You sighed. It was snowing heavy out and you didn't wanna leave the warmth of Baby's backseat but you forced yourself out of the car. You entered the store and went for the one snack you've been craving for a while. Peanut butter cups. You grabbed the biggest bag they had and then grabbed a bottle of water from one of the fridges. You paid for your stuff and stood by the door with Castiel. Castiel happened to look up and notice a little bundle of mistletoe above the door. He had been reading up on human holiday traditions and the tradition for mistletoe during Christmas was that if two people were standing under it they had to kiss.

"Y/N," he said.

"Yeah Cas," you said looking over at him. He softly cupped your cheek in his hand and leaned down gently pressing his plush lips to yours.

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