Being Human (Lucifer X Reader)

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It was a cold fall morning and you just arrived at the small clothing store you owned in town. You were just opening up the shop when you noticed a man standing by the window. He was looking at a brown coat that was on display. He looked irritated and cold. Your heart went out to him. You were honestly thinking of giving the poor guy the coat. But before you could customers started to fill in. When you got a chance to look back at the window the man was gone. As the day went on the man drifted from your mind. When lunch came around you decided to join one of your coworkers. "So chilly out today?" she said.

"The cold drives in the customers," you pointed out. As you were walking back to the store you spotted the mystery man again. He was sitting with a well known homeless man. He was trying to get money, but his grumpiness wasn't very appealing to passersby. "He must be newly homeless," you thought to yourself. Your heart broke for him. Of course, people would ignore the seemingly healthy guy and give to the homeless guy with health issues. You were debating on going over and giving the guy some money, but before you could your coworker came over to you.

"There is a huge line at the store!" she said and you both hurried there. The day went on smoothly. As you were closing up the shop you looked out the window again and spotted the man once more. He was sitting on a bench hugging himself. He was shivering and he looked just miserable. You couldn't stand it anymore and grabbed the coat from the window display. You grabbed your things and locked up your shop. You slowly walked toward the man.

"Excuse me," you said getting the man's attention who just looked at you with an annoyed glare, "I thought you could use this,". You held out to the coat to him. He just looked at it. "It's better than freezing to death," you pointed out. He took it. It was awkward because the archangel wasn't used to charity. Especially not from a human. Then again, for now, he was human.

"Thanks," he mumbled taking the jacket and putting it on.

"Do you have anywhere to go?" you asked, "somewhere you can stay?". He just shook his head.

"I've never really felt wanted anywhere," he said. You couldn't just leave him out in the cold.

"I have this small place at home," you explained, "use to be my garage but converted it into a guest house kinda. You're welcome to stay there for the night. Maybe even have a decent meal,". Lucifer was gonna protest but then thought until he found a way to get his grace back he needed to survive as one of these pathetic creatures for a while. He looked you over. You didn't seem threatening.

"You're offering me that," he said, "and you don't even know my name,".

"Well let's change that," you said holding out your hand, "I'm Y/N,". Lucifer thought for a second and shook your hand.

I'm Lu," he said.

"Well what do you say Lu?" you asked, "I swear I'm not a killer or anything,". He chuckled. If only you knew who he truly was.

"Ok sure," he said. You smiled as you and Lu walked to your car. 

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