Samandriel X Reader Imagine (REQUESTED)

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Author Note: This is a dedicated imagine for Morgan for her birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEETIE! I hope you like it and I hope you have an amazing day.

Samandriel was confused at first. He remembered his brother Castiel stabbing him but then suddenly found himself alive again. In the vessel of the teen, he had possessed before. He was even still wearing the clothes from the vessel's job. He had been given a second chance. He prayed it was from his father. One thing the angel noticed is something felt different. He was feeling sensations he had never really felt before. He had a scrape on his arm that was stinging. He placed his other hand over it to heel it but nothing happened. That's when it hit him. He was human now.

He was scared but part of him was relieved. He was glad not to be tied to the duties of heaven for once. So the former angel made a plan. He would live as the boy he had once possessed. Over time he adjusted to school and working a part time job. Eventually, Samandriel did find something worth living the human life for, you. You were so beautiful the former angel could barely speak when he saw you. You thought he was sweet and cute. You would wave at him in the hall and he would get this adorable little smile on his face as he would wave back. He kept telling himself to talk to you more but you gave him a weird feeling in his stomach. He wasn't sure what it was. One day during his lunch break at work he had just sat down to enjoy his free meal when someone joined him at the table. He looked up and his heart pounded a little faster. You were sitting across from him.

"Hi," he greeted, "I hope you don't mind me joining you,". He shook his head.

"Not at all," he said with a smile.

"I've seen you around school," you said, "I'm Y/N,". You held out your hand. He gently took it.

"I'm Alfie," he said. You smiled.

"That is such a cute name," you said stealing one of his fries. And just like that, your friendship blossomed. Over time you two hung out during and after school. Over time the former angel started to become more and more fond of you. He in fact started to fall in love with you. Why wouldn't he? You sweet, caring, and beautiful inside and out. Samandriel could spend every minute of his human life in your presence and it would a human life well lived as far as he was concerned. One night you two were laying in your backyard looking up at the stars. "You ever wonder what stars are?" you asked him.

Of course, Samandriel knew exactly what they were but he wanted to hear what you thought. "I've never really thought of it before," he said, "you?".

"When I was a little girl my grandmother would tell me that angels were looking over us from the stars," you explained, "and that if I ever looked up and noticed one sparkle that was my guardian angel waving at me,". Samandriel smiled. He liked your grandmother's theory.

"I think she was right," he said. His eyes widened as he felt your hand slide into his. Then and there he vowed that if he were ever an angel again he would watch over you.

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