If I Didn't Have You (Sam X Reader)

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Sam wasn't sure what happened or how it happened. One minute you two were sitting at a red light coming back from a food run and the next there's bright lights and breaking glass everywhere. Sam came to in a hospital room. He looked around and there was a nurse checking his minor cuts. "Hi," she greeted, "how are you feeling sir?".

"I'm fine," he said sitting up, "my girlfriend is she ok?". He did not like the look on the nurse's face. That made him worry for you more.

"I'll have the doctor come speak to you," she said and left the room. A few minutes later a woman entered the room. Judging by the white coat he took her for the doctor.

"Mr. Smith right?" she said. Sam nodded at the mention of one of his fake names. "I'm doctor Peck and I understand you've been asking about the woman who was in the crash with you,".

"Yes," he said, "is she ok?".

"She's clinging to life Mr. Smith," she said, "we're not sure if she'll wake up, so if you want to go see her you can. Also, we need her name,".

"Y/N," he said getting out of bed, "Y/N Winchester,".

"Her room is down the hall," she said, "room 217,". He nodded and hurried there. When he reached the doorway he froze. You were laying still in your hospital bed. They had a tube down your throat helping you breathe. You had big, dark bruises on your face and arms. There was even a cast on your right leg. He walked over and sat down in the chair beside your bed and gently held your hand in his. He had been sitting by your bedside for about half an hour and when the doctor came in.

"Hello again Mr. Smith," Dr. Peck greeted, "feeling ok?".

"Um yeah," Sam said, "I'm fine, how's she doing?" he asked looking over at you.

"She's suffered a severe blow to the head, three broken ribs, and she has a broken leg," Doctor Peck explained, "our biggest worry is the hit to the head threw her into a coma. Mr. Smith, it's up to her if she wakes up,". When the doctor said that Sam felt like he had been slapped in the face. Sam sat by your beside again and held your hand in his as he gently ran his thumbs up and down the back of it.

"Y/N, you know your everything bright in my life right?" he asked, "everything good. On the darkest days when it feels like the world can't possibly be any worse or I feel like there's no hope, I look at you and that mood switches. You're my sunshine on the darkest days. You give me hope when everything is trying to pull it away," he kissed your hand softly.

"You're my sole reason for getting up every day. For fighting like I do. You've even made me a better hunter. All I have to do is imagine whatever monster we're hunting hurting you and gives me the strength I need to kill it. No place feels more like home to me Y/N than being in your arms. Nothing feels more right than holding you in mine. If I didn't have you in my life now Y/N Y/L/N life would kill me. I can't live without you Y/N. Please wake up,". Sam's heart ached as you didn't even twitch. No moving at all other then your chest moving up and down due to the breathing machine you were attached too. Sam sighed and got up. He wondered around the hospital until he found himself in a restroom. He looked in the mirror at himself as everything replayed in his mind.

Sam couldn't stop himself as he took out his anger on the room. Punching the paper towel dispenser so hard it flew off the wall and tossing whatever he could around the room. Soon he was sitting in a chair outside the bathroom and finally let the tears he'd been fighting out. The pain of knowing he could lose you was the worst he had ever felt in his entire life. After he collected himself he headed back to your room. He sat in the chair beside your bed again and leaned over laying his head on your stomach. "I love you so much Y/N," he said, "please, please don't go. Don't leave me,". He didn't know when but at some point he had dozed off. He stirred when he felt someone tugging lightly on his hair. He sat up and looked over and your eyes were open.

"Y/N!" he said jumping up and rushing to get a nurse or doctor. Soon they had you unhooked from the machines and Doctor Peck checked you over.

"Ms. Winchester I don't know how but you are perfectly fine," she said.

"That's great,' you said.

"When can she go home?" Sam asked.

"We'll keep her overnight but if she keeps healing like this tomorrow for sure," the doctor said leaving the room. Sam wasted no time going over and wrapping you in a big hug.

"I love you so much Y/N," he said. You smiled.

"I love you too Sammy Bear," you said. Sam told you everything he said while you were out word for word. He wanted you to know he loved you while he still had the chance to not only tell you but show you. The next day as soon as you got back to the bunker Sam got down on one knee and asked to officially be Mrs. Y/N Winchester. 

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