One Little Word (Lucifer X Reader)

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The archangel walked toward you until you were backed against the wall as his cold, smooth hands gently caressed your face. Your eyes stayed locked with his electric blue ones as you wrapped legs around his hips. It happened so fast you didn't even register you did it. "You know Y/N," he purred. His icy lips just inches from yours, "you don't have to hide your feelings. Your desires for me,". He leaned in so close to your ear his cool breath fanned your neck and you found yourself fighting back a moan just at that small sensation.

"I can read minds," he whispered into your ear, "but I don't have to try very hard when I'm around you to hear yours,". Your cheeks heated up knowing the archangel knew your true desire and part of you knew you should think it was wrong but you didn't. You just found the angelic being enticing evil or not. At this moment being so close to him was intoxicating. All your private thoughts flooded through your mind. You were unable to hold them back. You could almost feel Lucifer grinning.

"You wonder," he continued his voice low, seductive, "how my icy lips would feel if they just barely brushed yours," he moved his head enough that his lips were so close that if you moved even just the slightest your lips would touch his. You practically melted as his frosty breath fanned your face. "You wonder how cold is it in my embrace," he said wrapping his arms around your waist, "and you often find yourself wishing so bad to be in my arms,". He leaned his head back and softly placed a butterfly kiss on your shoulder. A shiver shot through you.

"But the one thought that really," he stopped to think for a minute, "makes me curious. Is when you wonder what other parts of me can cool you down," he moved his lips to your ear once more, "or heat you up,". Your face had to be the darkest shade of red despite the coolness of the angel holding you. That's when you noticed you weren't the only one of you two who was...excited. "You could have your answers," he said, "and so much more. All you have to do is say one little word,". You knew what he meant but you found yourself wanting to see how long before he needed to hear the word as much as you needed to say it. So smirking to yourself you stayed quiet.

"If you say it," he said running his cold hands under your blouse and slowly moved the tips of his fingers up and down your sides, "I could cause you pleasure in ways you can't even imagine,". You still said nothing. You sensed a tone of need in his luring voice. "I'll admit Y/N," he said, "I desire you just as much as you do me. I want to please you,". He gently bucked against you and you couldn't stop the small gasp that escaped you. "Just imagine what I could if you said the magic word," he cooed as he gently bucked into you again. You bit back a moan. You were so close to just giving in but part of you was having fun.

Y/N please," he said as he gently kissed your shoulder and up your neck, "please say it,".

"Say what?" you innocently asked. You felt him growl softly into your neck.

"That one," he said between small kisses, " little word,". He gently nipped your pulse point and all your fight was gone.

"Yes!" you called out as you attacked his cold lips with yours. The archangel grinned and before the night was even overall you could say was that small little world over and over.

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