Bobby X Reader Imagine #1 (REQUESTED)

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AUTHOR NOTE: This is 1artsypineapple

Bobby Singer had pretty much raised you. Your parents dropped you off at Bobby's one day when you were about eight and they never returned. He learned later they were killed by a vampire nest. Bobby taught you how to shoot, what weapon or item killed or hurt what kind of monster, and he taught you how to fight. He taught you how to cook and how to work on cars. Hey had become your father and you loved him like he was.

You wanted to do something special to show him how thankful you were. So you planned out a father and daughter day just for you two. You and Bobby were headed to a little clearing area where he use to teach you how to shoot. "Why are we here again?" he asked.

"Bobby, this where you use to take me shooting," you said, "a few good memories here,".

"Really?" he asked, "what memories?". You smiled.

"Remember what you told me to keep my aim focused?" you asked and he shook his head, "you told me to pretend whatever my fake target was actually a monster. And it worked. I mainly always pictured werewolves or ghouls,". He smiled a little.

"I do remember that," he said.

"Do you remember how you would use old toys sometimes?" you asked and he nodded, "Remember that one time you used old stuffed animals you found and when it came to shooting this really little green stuffed bear I couldn't do it?".

"Yeah," he said, "you wouldn't stop cryin until I agreed to let ya have the bear,".

"I still have him," you said, "I keep him in my bag. He's a good luck hunting charm,". he smiled and you could tell he was reliving the memory in his head.

"Because of you Bobby I am the huntress I am today," you said.

"Someone had to teach ya Y/N," he said. After the clearing, you two headed to a local diner you often went to when you were a kid. It held a special meaning to you. "This please seemed familiar," he said.

"We use to come here after you would come back from a hunt," you said, "or to cheer Sam up when John would drop them off. But you also took me here to soothe a broken heart,".

"I did?" he asked.

"You remember that kid Spencer that was dropped off at the house for like two months?" you asked and he nodded, "well me and Spencer grew close and started dating. Yeah, we were only like ten but I believed him when he told he loved me and he would stay at the house for me. Imagine my surprise when he left as soon as his parents showed back up,".

"Oh yeah," he said, "I hated seeing ya that hurt,".

"Yeah I locked myself in my room but you managed to drag me here where we had sundaes and you cheered me up with cheesy jokes,". you reminded him. You two enjoyed your order of burgers and sundaes as you talked about more old times and you happily listened to Bobby's stories. You ended the day back at the junkyard sitting on top of one of the old cars starring up at the stars.

"So why the special day kid?" he asked. You smiled.

"To thank you," you said.

"For what?" he asked.

"For being my father," you said. Bobby smiled at you with a nod and went back to stargazing. 

Supernatural One Shots Book 2Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora