What He Deserved (Lucifer X Reader) REQUESTED

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AUTHOR NOTE: This was requested by one of my Tumblr readers.

Summary: While bonding with Jack, you also start to notice feelings for a certain blue-eyed archangel. Will he return them?

You come from an alternate world where you were under the rule of the archangel Micheal. It was a world in complete ruin. You had managed to survive by hiding most of your adult life. Then you ran into to a group run by a woman named Marry Winchester and a young boy named Jack. They were building up a group that was dead set on taking down the archangel ruler. You learned soon that Jack was actually a nephilim. A being that was half-angel and half-human. He was also the son of the archangel Lucifer from their world. Jack was sweet and caring. He had this innocence about him that no one in your world had. You were soon welcomed into the group as you learned to use different weapons and was filled in on the plan to take down Micheal. You didn't think it would work but it was worth a shot.

As time went on you bonded with Jack. You could almost say you looked at him like a son. You two were doing training and supply management together. One day the angel warding went down and Mary and a few others went to check it out. Turns out it was Mary's son Dean but tragedy had struck and her other son Sam had died before they reached the group. Your heart broke for Jack. He seemed to be very attached to Sam being as how hard he was taking it. "He can't be dead!" Jack said becoming more upset.

"Hey Jack," you said gently rubbing his back. The young boy turned to you and hugged you tight, "it's ok Jack. It's ok sweetheart,". You softly patted his back trying to comfort him the best you could. You all soon headed to the camp area. Jack didn't really leave your side and you were ok with that. Mary was trying to talk Dean into not going back to get Sam's body when a bell sounded indicating something was happening. Mary, Jack, and Dean watched in shock as a tall guy with long brown hair and blood-soaked clothes appeared. Dean ran over to him and hugged him. "Who is that Jack?" you asked. He smiled.

"That's Sam," he said. Just then another guy came walking into the camp. He had shaggy blond hair and he was smirking a little. You even noticed his shining blue eyes. Everyone gathered around as the man approached them. He smiled at Jack. You could see a look of pride on his face, "Hello son," he said. Soon there was a lot of shouting from Dean. He didn't want Jack talking with who you now knew was Lucifer from their world. It got so bad Jack got upset and fluttered off.

"Where'd it go, dad!" Dean shouted at Lucifer.

"Actually, I think he fluttered away because you were trying to get his uncle to kill his father," you stated matter of factly, "I'll go track him down,". You didn't notice Lucifer watching as you headed off. He had never had anyone stand up for him before or take his side. You found Jack sitting behind a big tree. "You ok Jack?" you asked.

"I don't like it when there's a bunch of yelling," he said.

"I know Jack," you said sitting beside him and pulled him into a loving hug.

"Do you think I should talk to my father?" he asked.

"Jack," you said, "I think everyone deserves to know where they come from. No matter who your parents are. If you wanna know about your father than I support you in that,".

"Thanks, Y/N," you said, "I love my mother, but you feel like a mother to me too," You smiled.

"That means a lot to me, Jack," you said giving him another hug.

"We should head back," he said as you both stood up. He held onto you tight and zapped into a little shed area. Once you gained your balance you noticed Castiel and Lucifer standing by the doorway. They had been talking but stopped when you two appeared. You looked and Jack and gently patted his arm.

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