Chuck X Reader Imagine #3 (REQUESTED)

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Author Note: This was requested by an Instagram reader for a friends birthday.

Chuck had been sitting at his computer for hours. Working on a new series of books. He took off his glasses and placed them on top of a stack of papers on his desk as he stood and stretched. He had gotten pretty good at acting human over the eons and even better when he met you. Even given who he was and the fact that he created everyone and everything he never expected one of his creations to captivate him as you did. Of course, you had no idea who he truly was. He really didn't know if he wanted you to know. How would he even start to explain it? He thought at first maybe he could just plain out tell you. But then he quickly threw that idea out.

Someone tells someone they love they're God may just freak them out or make them thank you were crazy. He then thought maybe displaying his powers would work but then again that might scare you and he didn't want to do that either. So he just decided until he could come up with a way that wouldn't freak you out he would keep his true identity to himself. Chuck looked at the clock. it was eight in the morning. It was officially your birthday. He decided he would make you breakfast in bed. He headed into the kitchen and gathered everything he needed. It was true he could just snap up everything but he felt cooking it from scratch would have more meaning plus cooking was one of the few human things he found joy in.

He made waffles and bacon. He also made sure to get a cup of fresh orange juice and headed upstairs. He gently pushed the door open and peaked in. You were still sound asleep. The hint of a smile on your face. Chuck couldn't help but admire you. He knew without any doubt you were his most beautiful and most pure creation. He placed the tray of food on the nightstand. He leaned down and placed a gentle, loving kiss on your forehead. You murmured a little as you opened your eyes. "Good morning Y/N," Chuck greeted, "happy birthday,". You smiled.

"Thank you, Chuck," you said sitting up. The smell of freshly cooked food hitting your nose, "what smells so good?".

"I made you breakfast," he said getting up and placing the tray on your lap.

"I get to eat in bed?" you asked.

"Of course," he said, "it is your special day,". You smiled. Chuck was sweet. In fact, you had never really met another guy like him. He was sweet but old fashioned. He believed in courting. He definitely made you feel like you were worth all the time he gave you. He listened to every word you said about anything and would think over any ideas you gave him for stories. You were the happiest you had ever been with Chuck. You took a bite of the waffles and hummed happily.

"These are so good Chuck," you said, "you definitely know your way around a stove,". He smiled. Chuck had such a beautiful smile. Just seeing his smile could calm you. In fact whenever you were around Chuck a feeling of peace and calmness always seemed to embrace you. You couldn't explain it. You just felt like you were meant to be with Chuck. After your breakfast, you convinced Chuck to give you some cuddles using your puppy dog eyes. Of course, he happily gave in. "Can I ask you something?" you asked.

"Always," he answered, "what's on your mind?".

"Do you ever feel like we were meant to be together?" you asked, "like God made us solely for each other?". Chuck smiled. This answer was easy. Though he didn't plan it that way he knew the answer.

"Without a doubt," he said as he planted a soft kiss on your hair. 

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