Dear Sam Part 7 (Sam X Reader)

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Dear Sam,

After that whole witch coven case we dealt with some physically and emotionally draining cases. First, there was Bobby. He was in a coma caused by a dream walker. That was such a scary time. Not knowing if he would wake up. If any of you would in all honesty. You and Dean did end up saving him. Giving Jeremy a taste of his own medicine.

Then there was the whole mystery spot case. I'll never forget how hopeless I felt. Watching Dean die over and over and watching the emotional toll it was having on you. The pain of watching your brother die in so many horrible ways. But after a while, you started to worry and admittedly scare me a little. After you figured out it was the trickster doing it Dean died one more time and stayed dead.

Something in you snapped Sam and you started getting a little dark. I hated seeing you so closed off. So cold. You were even willing to kill Bobby to get Dean back. Then again it wasn't really Bobby it was the trickster pretending to be Bobby. The trickster was trying to show you basically that you couldn't save Dean from his deal. We were all relieved to get the hell out of there. But even now thinking back on how cold you seemed then still gives me shivers. But even then I loved you with all my heart.

Love always,


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