Dean X Reader Imagine #37 (REQUESTED)

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AUTHOR NOTE: This was requested by general.beck

You were excited. The hunt you came to town for was over sooner than you all planned and Dean was taking you on a date to the little fair in town. You were checking your outfit in the mirror. You chose to wear a pair of jean shorts, a white shirt, and one of Dean's flannels unbuttoned. You just put your hair up when there was a knock on your motel room door. You opened it and Dean smiled when he noticed his flannel on you.

"You look great Y/N," he said, "ready?". You nodded closing and locking the door. You two walked to the impala and Dean opened the door for you. You kissed his cheek and scooted into the seat. You two were soon off to the fair. Dean loved the way your face lit when he pulled up to the fair parking lot. You hopped out and basically drug Dean into the fairgrounds by his hand causing him to chuckle.

"What should we do first?" you asked more to yourself than to Dean.

"Whatever you want Y/N," Dean said. You looked around and spotted the duck pond booth.

"Over there!" you shouted and hurried over. Dean Chuckled again and followed you, "win me something?" you playfully demanded with a pout. He couldn't help but think how cute you were.

"Ok," Dean said, "how do I play?" he asked the guy in charge of the booth.

"Just pick a duck and win one of the prizes you see here," he pointed behind him. Dean scanned the prizes and sat his skills on winning a big, plush, teddy bear. So he concentrated on the ducks. Some were big, some were small, and some were different colors other than yellow. You waited patiently. Dean reached down and plucked a small white duck with red polka dots on it and looked and shouted yes in satisfaction as he had indeed won the big teddy bear. The guy handed it to him and you instantly snatched it from him and hugged it.

"Y/N, stop being so adorable," he said with a chuckle, "let's get something to eat and then we can pick a ride,".

"I want pizza!" you exclaimed as you two headed for the food stands. Dean ordered a small pizza for you two to share and a funnel cake to split. You couldn't stop giggling as he got powdered sugar all over his face. After you finished eating Dean said he had a surprise ride he wanted to show you and made you close your eyes as he lead you there.

"Ok open your eyes," he said. You did and they widened.

"The tunnel of love!" you said excitedly, "I've always wanted to try this with someone,".

"Must be my lucky day," he said. Dean paid for a boat and you both soon were floating down the small stream. Sweet, soft music played and you snuggled to your hunter laying your head on his shoulder.

"Today was amazing Dean," you told him, "thank you,".

"Anything for you sweetheart," he said, "just one more thing to make this the best day,". You looked at him.

"What's that?" you asked. He softy cupped your face in his hand as he looked into your eyes. You couldn't help be get lost in those beautiful green eyes.

"I love you Y/N," he said before leaning down and softly pressing his lips to yours. 

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