Crowley X Reader Imagine #3 Part 2 (REQUESTED)

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SPECIAL NOTE: OK guys, this part contains my very first sex scene. I know it might be cringy, but I tried. I hope you guys enjoy it. Especially all you Cas girls out there. If this goes well I may do more scenes in the future. Also The first part of this story is in the first book.

You sit there on the log for a while. Yes, you loved your father despite what he'd done, even him kicking you to the curb. You hadn't even noticed you were crying until Castiel kneeled down and wiped the tears from your cheeks. You leaned into the angel's warm touch. "I'll understand if you choose your father Y/N," he said. You smiled at him.

"I love my father Castiel," you said cupping the angel's face in your hands, "but I'm in love with you and if I have to lose my father's love or whatever to have you then I'll willingly pay that price,". Castiel smiled.

"You can stay with me," he said.

"Cas, Sam and Dean are hunters," you told him, "I don't think they'll just welcome me with open arms,".

"That's true," he said, "where well you go?".

"I do have a hidden place up here not even my father knows about," you said, "follow me,". Soon you two found yourselves in a secluded run-down house. It looked to have been abandoned for a very long time. "I found this place the first time I ran from my father," you explained, "was here about a year before I knew he'd find me,".

"So it's like your secret home?" he asked and you nodded.

"Yes, my favorite thing about it is the window in the bedroom," you said as you headed up the old, creaky steps to the room, "at night the moon shines so bright through it,". You both looked out the window. There was a half-moon, but it still lit up the room in a soft light.

"It is a beautiful view," he said. You smiled and walked over to him.

"Thank you Cas," you told him wrapping your arms around his neck as he wrapped his around your waist, "you saved me. I'm finally free of my father and of hell,".

"I just want you happy Y/N," he said. You leaned up and softly pressed your lips to his. The kiss was soft, sweet, but you soon found yourself lost in a tender, passionate liplock with the angel. He returned the same heat into the kiss as you did. You slid your hands under his trench coat and slowly slid it down his arms. The angel happily let it fall to the floor. You than undid his tie as his hands clasped the bottom of your top softly pulling it over your head, but you two instantly found your lips locked again once the shirt is gone. His warm hands softly grazed your sides as you made his suit jacket slide off next. He ended the kiss and smiled at you as you looked into his dark blue eyes. They were shaded with lust and love. The angel suddenly scooped you up bridal style and softly laid you on the bed. He hovered over you as he leaned down and you two got lost in another passionate kiss. You instantly wrapped your legs around him. His hands traveled to the zipper on the front of your bra. He unzipped it and let it slide away revealing your bare chest. He smiled as he gently massaged your breasts with slow, tender kisses. The feel of his warm breath and his soft lips against your skin made you moan. He traveled down your body trailing soft, slow kisses everywhere as he moved. Once he reached your panties he stood up and gently slid them down your legs.

You never took your eyes off the angel as you watched him fully undress himself. You bit your lip as you took the full sight of him in. He slowly made his way back up your body. planting tender kisses up your legs, thighs, stomach, and chest. With each touch of his lips, your desire grew more. Soon his lips met yours again. The angel started to gently thrust into you. You let out little gasps of pleasure as you clung to the angel. The angel looked into your eyes as he thrusted a little faster. You moaned his name. The pleasure was so intense you accidentally lost control and your demon eyes showed. Feeling somehow ashamed you looked away. "Sorry," you said. Your angel stopped and your heart started to ache. But he gently placed his hand on your cheek and made you look at him.

"Don't apologize," he said, "I know the true you and you're beautiful. Looking into your true eyes is like looking into two of the most beautiful onyx jewels,". You smiled.

"Do you mean that Cas?" you asked.

"I do," he said kissing you softly. You smiled and suddenly flipped him over until you were on top.

"Let me please you my naughty angel," you said as you started to rock your hips against him throwing your head back in pleasure. Soon Castiel matched your thrusting. after a while, all you could do was moan his name into his neck. Castiel gripped your hips tight and flipped you over. You were surprised but giggled noting the lust completely taking over in his deep ocean eyes. He started to thrust fast and hard. Growling as he buried his face in your neck. "Cas," you moaned.

"Mine," he purred into your neck.

"Yes angel I'm yours," you moaned back as he started thrusting so fast and hard the bed was slamming against the wall. Before long all you could do was moan as you held onto your angel. Soon the heat started to build inside you and you knew you were about to hit your climax. "Cas... I'm," you gasped out.

"I know," he said, "Just enjoy it beautiful,". He started going faster. With one last cry of his name, you tightened your hold as all the pleasure hit you, It was unlike anything you had felt before. Soon the angel hit his point too and you both road out the storm of pleasure together. You both laid there after. You ran your hand through the angel's hair as he rested his head on your chest. Neither of you said a word, but you both were sure at that point that your love was true. Nothing was gonna tear you two apart. 

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