To Pass The Time Away (Team Free Will X Reader)

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AUTHOR NOTE: This is a little fluff series I came up as a way to give people some cute little moments to read during this lockdown stuff. 

Little Y/N clung onto the tall man as he and another man he called Dean rushed out of the house after saving her from a vampire who had sadly killed her parents before they got there. They rushed her to their home. She looked around in wonder. It was almost like a big secret castle. The boys spent the next few days trying to figure out what to do when suddenly a dangerous virus started to spread eventually causing a lockdown all around the world. The boys knew it was Chuck. Yet another twist in his never ending story to mess with their lives.

Over the first few days, the boys found out not even monsters could stay safe from this dangerous sickness. Castiel also discovered angels couldn't heal humans from the illness. Around day seven little Y/N walked in into the library and tugged on Dean's arm. "Uncle Dean I'm bored!" she exclaimed. Dean looked around trying to think of how he was gonna entertain a child Y/N's age. She had told them she was seven and a half years old. He spotted a stack of paper on his desk and got an idea.

"Y/N do you wanna learn how to make a paper airplane?" he asked. Y/N's big eyes lit up.

"That sounds fun Uncle Dean!" she said as Dean grabbed the paper stack and they headed for the map table. Dean spent about ten minutes teaching Y/N how to fold the paper into a perfect airplane. He watched with a smile as Y/N jumped around proud of the paper airplane she had just crafted. Sam, Castiel, and Jack rushed in to see what the small child was so excited about it.

"What's going on?" Sam asked.

"Uncle Sammy!" she ran over to him holding up her plane, "look! I made a paper plane!".

"That's cool Y/N," Sam said.

"Uncle Dean!" she suddenly called, "I have a fun idea!".

"What's that kiddo?" he asked.

"What if we all make paper planes and have a race?!" she asked.

"Sounds fun," Dean said, "I'm in,".

"Me too," Sam said.

"I'll join in also," Castiel said.

"I don't know how to make one," Jack announced. Y/N smiled and grabbed Jack's hand.

"I'll teach you bubby!" she said. Jack smiled at the small girl's nickname for him. After a few more minutes of making paper planes, they were all standing in one of the long halls in the bunker.

"Ok, whoever's plane makes it the furthest wins," Dean explained as everyone prepared to throw, "and go!" he yelled as everyone threw their planes. Dean's and Castiel's planes went down almost immediately. Sam's and Jack's went a little further. Jack's just a few inches further than Sam's before crashing. Y/N's went the furthest and she cheered excitedly after it landed.

"I WON!" she yelled giving Dean a high five. When she calmed down Y/N yawned and rubbed her eyes.

"I think someone needs some sleep," Sam said. Y/N nodded ran to Castiel.

"Uncle Cas," she said holding up her arms, "will you tell me another bedtime story?". Castiel smiled and gently picked up the small child.

"Of course Y/N," he said carrying her to the room they gave her.

"Maybe having a kid around won't be so bad," Dean said. 

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