It's Been A While Part 4 (Dean X Reader)

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You just sat there for a moment. You didn't wanna have this talk. You couldn't stand being reminded again of how much you hurt them. How much you hurt him. "Why would I wait for you to kick me out?" you asked looking at the menu to avoid those beautiful but questioning green eyes.

"Why would we kick you out Y/N?" he asked.

"You hate me," you said, "and I don't blame you,". Nothing but silence past for a few moments. You couldn't take it anymore and hurried out of the diner. You didn't anticipate Dean following you so you just walked as fast as you could but the hunter soon caught up with you.

"Y/N, come on," he said, "we can't just avoid each other forever,".

"Fine we won't," you said, "I'll stick to cases in places I'm sure you won't be and you guys go gank this monster couple. You won't ever have to see me again,".

"Y/N why do you think I hate you?" he asked.

"Dean that night," you started, "you could barely look at me. The anger, the hate in your eyes. I knew there no was coming back from that,".

"Y/N," he started but you stopped him.

"And it's ok Dean. I understand. I missed up. I betrayed you," tears started to build in your eyes, "hell I'm no better than the things we hunt,". A weird look came over his face. Suddenly before you knew it he pulled into his arms and locked his lips with yours. When the kiss ended you just stared at him shocked.

"Don't ever compare yourself to the scum we hunt Y/N," he said, "ever,". Before you could say anything his phone rang. He fished it out of his pocket and answered it. "Sammy?" he said and listened to Sam's reply, "Ok we'll be right there,". He hung up the phone and looked at you.

"Everything ok?" you asked.

"Sammy tracked down our underworld couple," he said as he headed for his Impala, "you comin?".

"I'll follow you,". you said going over to your car. 

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