Fallen Huntress Part 3 (TFW X Reader)

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You were asleep and Castiel was standing by the window just staring out at the cloud-covered sky. The worry in his heart grew with every glance at you. You looked pale and tired even when you slept. He couldn't fight this bad feeling in his gut. Dean and Sam soon walked in. "Any news yet?" Dean asked Cas. Cas shook his head.

"Results haven't come back yet," he said, "but at least the pain medication worked,".

"That's good," Sam nodded, "we brought you some coffee and a burger,".

"You're human right now Cas you gotta eat," Dean said. Cas just stared at the food Sam placed on the table in the room.

"Trust me, Dean," he said, "I'm very aware I'm human right now,". The boys took note of the sad expression that crossed Castiel's face as he looked over at you. Their hearts truly hurt for him.

"Cas, I know you hate you can't heal Y/N," Dean said, "but you've gotta be strong for her. She needs you more than ever right now,". The former angel just nodded. Afraid to bring to light his biggest fear.

"You guys are so loud," you said waking up to their voices. In no time Castiel was by your side holding your hand.

"Sorry if we woke you Y/N," Sam said.

"It's ok Sam," you gave him a weak smile and looked over at Castiel. Noticing his gloomy state, "hey sapphire eyes. Don't look so sad,".

"How are you feeling Y/N?" Castiel asked.

"I'm a little cold," you said.

"I'll go out in the hall and get you a heated blanket," Sam said hurrying out of the room. He soon returned and covered you up. You sighed at the feeling of the hot fabric over you.

"Can we get you anything else?" Dean asked. You smiled.

"I'm ok," you said. About an hour later the doctor walked in.

"Mr. Castiel Winchester?" he asked. Castiel looked up.

"That's me, doctor," he said getting up and walking over to him, "Is everything ok?".

"Can I talk to you out in the hall?" the doctor asked. Castiel nodded and followed him. The boys exchanged glances with each other. The doctor's tone did not sound good. Castiel came back about twenty minutes later. To say he looked crushed was an understatement. His dark blue eyes glistened as fresh tears fell down his cheeks.

"Cas, what's wrong?" Sam asked.

"She's," he tried fighting back sobs, "she's dying,".  

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