Second Chances Part 6 (Nick X Reader)

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The boys had left early for a hunt which left you and Nick alone in the bunker. Nick noticed how you were staring off into space just picking at your breakfast. "Y/N are you ok?" he said gently laying his hand on yours snapping you out of your daze.

"Um yeah I'm ok," you said.

"Are you sure?" he asked, "if somethings bothering you you know you can talk to me,". You chewed your bottom lip as you thought about it. You wanted to tell him. You both should be celebrating or at least being happy at the prospect of your little family growing but part of you was scared he wouldn't take it well. Part of you thought he would think it was too soon or that after what happened to his son he wouldn't want another child. You looked over at him. The worry in his eyes pretty much making the decision for you.

"I do have something to tell you, Nick," you said, "I just hope it won't change things,".

"What is it?" he asked trying not to let his worry build. You took a deep, calming breath as you took his hands in yours.

"Nick," you said, "I'm...pregnant,". Nick sat there for a moment processing what you just told him. Just when you started to worry you ruined things he wrapped his arms securely around you. You were shocked at first but then hugged back like you didn't wanna let go. "Are you mad?" you asked. He pulled away enough to look at you and caressed your face in his hands.

"No why would I be mad?" he asked.

"Part of me was just worried you would be," you admitted. He placed his hands on your stomach a small smile crossing his face.

"We're having a baby," he said softly, "you're giving me a second chance,".

"A second chance?" you asked confused.

"To be a father," he said, "to be a husband and father in all honesty. A better one of both,". That last part broke your heart and you gently placed your hands on his cheeks and softly made him look at you.

"Nick sweetheart," you said, "what happened to Sarah and Teddy was not your fault. You couldn't have known,".

"I know Y/N," he said, "but what kind of father goes out to drink at a bar when he has a newborn at home?". The guilt in his eyes made your heartache.

"Come here," you got up and embraced him in a hug as he stayed in his chair, "I know you feel guilty Nick. I know nothing I can say can ease that pain but it wasn't your fault. You just needed to unwind or maybe blow off steam,". He planted a soft kiss on your stomach. The small gesture made butterflies shoot through you.

"I promise you both I'll stay around to protect you," he said looking up at you, "I won't let anything hurt either one of you or take you away from me,". You just stayed like that for a while as you gently ran your hand through his hair. You rested gently against him as he softly rubbed your stomach and planted little kisses on it. You smiled. As time went on Nick never left your side and barely let you do anything without help. If the boys needed you to research he would have you set down and get the books for you. He would cook for you and even pamper you. Sometimes you found it annoying but you never complained. He was doing it out of love. When you were tired he would scoop you up bridal style and carry you to the room you shared. He would lay there with you and talk to your stomach as you fell asleep to his voice. He even made a little nursery area in your room. Complete with a crib, a rocking chair, and some baby supplies. You swore through the whole nine months you just fell in love with him more.

You were in your ninth month and a little miserable. You were laying on your side in bed. Your back hurt so bad. Nick laid behind you softly rubbing your back and whispering sweet words into your ear. You were so thankful for him. "Do you need anything?" he asked. You shook your head and cuddled into him some. He wrapped his arm around you and you grabbed his hand in yours intertwining your fingers. About an hour later Nick heard you gasp. "What's wrong?".

"My water just broke," you told him. He jumped up and soon you were being rushed to the hospital in Baby. You glared at your brother as he kept begging you not to give birth in the back seat.

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