Dean X Reader Imagine #30 (REQUESTED)

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AUTHORS NOTE: This was requested by the_real_celeste_butterfly_2

Sam sped down the road as fast as Baby could go as Dean sat in the back seat holding you. You three had been on a hunt and the werewolf had knocked you against a cement wall hard. So hard it busted your head open a little. "Come on sweetheart stay with me!" Dean called trying his best to keep you alert, but things were going dark fast. Sam sped into the hospital parking lot and the last thing you remember before everything faded was Dean carrying you into the emergency room.

Dean paced outside the door of your hospital room as the doctors did what they had to do. Sam hated seeing his older brother so upset. But he knew nothing he could say would calm him. When it came to you nothing else mattered. When the doctors finally came out Dean was on them. "Is she ok?" he asked.

"She's stable and the blood loss was big, but we can't promise she'll wake up," he explained, "and if she does we're not sure if there will be any mental damage,".

"What do you mean if she wakes up?" Dean asked his heart falling into his stomach at the thought of you never waking up.

"In cases like this sometimes the patient never wakes up," the doctor explained. Dean refused to leave your side. He was dead set on being there when you opened your eyes.

"Dean I can set here if you wanna head back to the bunker and get some rest,". Sam offered.

"I'm fine right here Sam," Dean said as he placed a soft kiss on the back of the hand of yours he was holding.

"Ok, well I'll get us some food then," Sam said as he left the room. Dean looked over at you.

"Hi sweetheart," he greeted, "I really wish you'd open your eyes Y/N. Come on baby please open those big beautiful eyes for me,". The odd thing was is you could hear him. His voice was far away, but you could hear him clearly. "Y/N, I am so sorry. I wish I'd been nearby to stop that monster mutt from hurting you. I swear if I ever track it down I'll make it suffer for hurting my girl,". That comment threw you off as you tried to focus on the hunter's voice.

"Y/N, They say you might not wake up," he said trying to steady his shaky voice, "so I need to this get out now just in case you can hear me and you do wake up. Y/N I love you. I'm in love with you. I have been for a while now. You're the complete package. Beautiful, smart, funny, caring, and the most badass huntress I've met. Y/N fight to come back. Fight to get back to me,". He was quiet for a minute as he placed another kiss to your hand.

"I promise Y/N if," he stopped himself, "when you wake up. I will tell you all this again and I'll do whatever I can to make you happy and I'll make sure you feel loved every day. Y/N you're the first girl in a very long time I've cared for this much. I've caught myself even imagining us having a family. Please baby girl," he got up walked over to your bedside, "please wake up. I love you so much,". Suddenly your eyes popped opened and you gasped. Dean ran out of the room yelling for a doctor.

Sam watched his brother pace around in the waiting room. "Maybe she's awake and fine Dean,". Sam said.

"Man I hope so," Dean said. About ten minutes later the doctor came out of the room. Dean hurried over to him, "Is she ok?" he asked.

"It's remarkable," he said, "she's fully aware and healing very well,".

"Can we see her?" Sam asked.

"Sure," the doctor said and the brothers hurried inside. When they walked in you were greeted with a big hug from both brothers.

"So damn glad you're ok," Dean said.

"Me too Y/N," Sam said.

"I'm sorry I worried you guys," you said, "I should have been more careful,".

"That doesn't matter now," Dean said gently laying his hands on yours, "you're ok and that's all that matters,". You smiled and looked over at Sam.

"Sammy would you care to get me a fresh cup of coffee?" you asked.

"Black?" he asked getting up.

"You know me so well," you joked making the younger brother chuckle as he left the room. You waited for a few minutes to see if Dean would bring it up, but when he didn't you did. "I heard you, Dean," you said.

"What?" he asked confused.

"Your confession," you said, "that you loved me. That you're in love with me. I heard every word,". His beautiful green eyes widened.

"How?" he asked.

"I don't know," you said, "I was in this dark place and heard your voice. I listened as I followed it and I woke up,".

"So you heard everything?" he asked. You nodded.

"And I feel the same way, Dean. I always have I just never thought you would return those feelings,". The hunter smiled as he leaned down gently cupping your face in his hand and pressed his lips to yours. It was a simple, sweet kiss but it still stole your breath.

"I meant every word Y/N," he said, "I love you so much,". You smiled.

"I love you too Dean," you said pulling him in for another soft kiss. When it ended you giggled, "now I'm starving,".

"Chocolate shake and fries?" he asked.

"Extra-large," you said as he smiled and left to get your food. 

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