Misha X Reader Imagine #8 (REQUESTED)

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AUTHOR NOTE: This was requested by misha.fckin.collins

You and Misha had spent the majority of the month decorating your house for the holidays and making plans but then Misha had an accident and had to have surgery. So he mainly sat on the couch during the day while you did chores and other stuff. On Christmas Eve you decided the two of you would have a nice romantic night together. You baked some gingerbread cookies and made your famous hot cocoa. You walked into the living room and sat beside Misha on the couch. You told him he could pick the movies you watched.

He settled on It's A Wonderful Life and A Christmas Carol. You dimmed the lights and started the fireplace. When you joined him back on the couch he scooted back enough where you could lay on the couch with him and he wrapped his arm around you. Not even halfway through the first movie you were asleep snuggled up together. 

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