Talk You Out Of It (Gabriel X Reader)

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It had been a long day at work and you were so glad to finally be home. You threw on a pair of sweats and an oversized t-shirt and planned on lounging around the rest of the night. You were laying on your couch channel surfing when you heard a flutter of wings. "Hello beautiful," your angel Gabriel greeted. You laughed.

"I am not beautiful right now,' you said.

"You're always beautiful to me," he said. You smiled as you got up and walked over to him wrapping him in a big hug. He happily wrapped his arms around you.

"Feel like going out?" he asked, "I have a bottle of wine waiting on ice at your favorite place,". You sighed.

"I don't know Gabe," you said, "I'm so exhausted and stressed,".

"That's more reason for us to go out," he said, "so you can have some fun. Some nice wine, dinner, maybe even some dancing. Plus I get to show you off to all the guys and make them envy me,". You giggled.

"Ok you angelic charmer," you said with a smile, "you win. I'll go get ready,". You shuffled down the hall and Gabriel soon heard your shower playlist playing as he sat and watched tv. He heard the music shut off about half an hour later. You walked up the hall into the living room and his mouth hung open. You were wearing a white one-shoulder dress that hugged your curves just right. You wore matching sheer white stockings and heels. Your hair was up in a high ponytail that was done in bouncy curls. The angel admired you as you stopped by a mirror and applied some black eyeliner.

Gabriel came up behind you and snaked his arms around you. "You look so sexy," he said as he lightly kissed your neck.

"Well thank you," you smiled.

"You know," he said nuzzling your neck with his nose, "we could just pretend we went out,". You giggled.

"You talked me into getting ready to go out Gabriel," you pointed out.

"I did," he said. That classic flirty smile playing on his lips, "I had no idea you were gonna look so alluring,". He gave your neck a soft, deeper kiss. You closed your eyes and enjoyed the feel of your angel's lips against your skin. "All I can think of now is talking you out of this sexy little dress," he whispered in your ear.

"Hmm," you said leaving his embrace and walking down the hall.

"Where are you going?" he asked confused.

"You said you wanted to talk me out of this dress," you said opening your bedroom door and kicking off your heels. The look in your eyes telling the angel you two weren't leaving. "Let's see how convincing you can be,". you smirked and walked into your room. The Archangel close behind you. Let's just say by the time you went to sleep you were surely stress free and contently asleep in your angel's arms. 

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