Team Free Will X Reader Imagine #10 (REQUESTED)

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AUTHOR NOTE: This was requested by lene.1892

Christmas. For most, it's a joyous time of year to be with loved ones and share gifts, food, and memories. But for you, it was anything but joyous. Christmas has always been the hardest and saddest part of the year for you. Tragedy always seemed to strike you during the holiday. When you were five your grandmother passed away on Christmas Eve. When you were ten a werewolf killed your mother in your own home. And when you were twelve your father dropped you off at Bobby's and never came back. That was on Christmas morning.

Bobby never really celebrated so Christmas became an awful memory of the past for you. From then on you did grow up hanging out with the Winchester brothers here and there. The boys even took you in when Bobby died during the whole leviathan battle. You've been with them pretty much ever since. When you guys found the bunker and it was like a beacon of hope. You three finally had a home. The boys were talking one day when you were passing the library. "I think we should," Sam said.

"I do too actually," Dean said, "we haven't celebrated Christmas since before I went downstairs,". Your blood went cold. They were gonna celebrate Christmas this year. You wanted to beg them not too but you couldn't ruin it for them all because Christmas scared you. So over the next few weeks when something holiday-related came up you tried your best to avoid it. Like when the boys brought in a tree and Jack asked you to help decorate it you told him you didn't feel and excused yourself. When Sam asked you to join them in watching Christmas movies you agreed but didn't really pay attention. You were able to hide your fear for a while until the boys you loved so much asked you to go Christmas shopping with them.

Even though it was already Christmas Eve you agreed but the whole drive to the mall your nerves just wouldn't calm down. You got out of the car and looked at the mall. You took a deep breathe "You can do this," you told yourself, "for the guys,". You all headed into the mall. Shopping was fine at first. You bought a bee pendant for Castiel, some old lore books for Sam, you got Dean a guide book to the best two hundred burger joints in America, and you got Jack a star wars bed set. You even grabbed them all a few gift cards to a few different places like coffee shops and etc you knew they liked. You went to a store with wrapping paper in it and it only had a pretty red shiny roll left. The paper had little what Christmas trees on it. The paper triggered a memory. You remembered yourself opening a gift with the same paper on it the morning the werewolf broke in your house and attacked.

Suddenly the room started to spin and you felt your heart racing. You slid down the way and hugged your legs to your chested as you typed out a text to the boys. Soon they were there and Dean and Sam helped you up luckily you were able to hold your bags so they couldn't see your gifts for them. You were soon back outside by the Impala. Dean, Sam, Cas, and Jack stayed with as you calmed down. "You ok sweetheart?" Dean asked.

"I'm ok," you said.

"If something is bothering you," Sam added, "you can talk to any of us. Or all of us,". You looked at the four men you've come to love like brothers and decided it was time to tell them.

"I've been scared," you admitted, "of the holidays for a long time. Christmas actually,".

"Why?" Castiel asked tilting his head and you explained it all to them.

"Y/N," Sam said, "nothing bad is gonna happen,".

"Yeah," Dean said, "we're gonna give you a good Christmas this year,". Soon you were back at the bunker in your room wrapping the gifts you bought. You actually felt a little happier. You wrapped their gift cards up in a soft green ribbon each and used a different wrapping for each boy's present. You wrapped Sam's in a light brown paper with white snowflakes on it, Dean's was wrapped in a blue and white paper with snow-covered trees on it, Castiel's was wrapped in a paper that had different kittens wearing Santa hats, and Jack's was wrapped in a shiny blue paper with silver snowflakes on it. After you finished wrapping you took the gifts in the map room and put them under the tree. And you noticed four gifts wrapped in different colored paper each under it. "Whose are those?" you asked.

"Our gifts to you silly," Sam said.

"You guys bought for me?' you asked a little shocked.

"You're family sweetheart," Dean said, "of course we did,". You smiled and hugged them. From there on you enjoyed movies, pizza, and Sam's eggnog. When it hit midnight it was officially Christmas and Dean kept begging to open gifts.

"Ok," you finally said, "but you guys are opening mine first," you said handing each of them their gift.

"Awesome new books for the library," Sam said, "thanks,".

"Y/N this is awesome!" Dean said, "I may just go on more hunting trips just to visit each place in this book!" you giggled. You watched as Jack smiled wide when he opened his.

"Thank you Y/N," Jack said.

"You're welcome Jack," you said.

"What is this?" Castiel asked confused. You smiled and walked over helping him pin the pendant to his trench coat.

"It's a bee pendant,". you told him.

"Thank you Y/N," he said, "I like it very much,".

"Ok," Dean said, "you're turn to open ours,".

"Mine first," Sam said handing you the one in green wrapping paper. You unwrapped it and removed the top from the box to reveal a pair of fluffy elephant-shaped slippers, "you're always saying your feet are cold and I thought you'd like them,".

"I love them Sam thank you," you said as Dean handed you the one in the blue paper.

"From me," he said. You opened it and the scent of different soaps hit your nose as you saw a collection of bath bombs, "now you can hog the bathroom longer,". You giggled.

"Deal," you said as Jack handed you the one wrapped in yellow. You opened it to reveal several little boxes and packages of chocolate. "Thank you, Jack," you said and he smiled.

"The purple one is from me," Castiel said as you picked it up. You opened it to reveal a beautiful dandelion hair clip complete with a little bee on it.

"Cas, it's so pretty," you said. He stepped forward taking the clip and gently placing it in your hair.

"Just as you are Y/N," he said. You smiled and looked around. Finally, you had the real Christmas you always wanted. 

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