Team Free Will X Reader Imagine #14 (REQUESTED)

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This was requested by haileykw96 for her birthday. I'm sorry it's a little late hun. I hope you like it!

You had agreed to go on a grocery run with Jack. Dean was really in the mood for pie. "Yes Dean," you said over the phone as Jack placed two pies in the cart, "I'm gonna make sure I don't forget pie,". You listened as he rambled off more items.

"Yes Dean, I'll remember beer and chips too, you said, "I gotta go,"

"Remember pie Y/N!" he said over the phone.

"You are so lucky I love you, Winchester," you informed him and hung up.

"Still doesn't suspect anything?" Sam asked as Dean hung up the phone.

"Nope," he said, "let's finish setting up,". The boys along with Bobby, Donna, Jody, Castiel, and a few other hunters and friends started hanging up streamers, making sure a huge tray of treats was placed on a table along with a bowl of punch and some Halloween decorated cookies and cupcakes.

"Ok, did everyone hide their gifts around the bunker?" Dean asked and everyone nodded. Soon you and Jack made it back to the bunker and carried the groceries in. Just as you finished putting everything away Jack excused himself. You stood in the kitchen for a few minutes and suddenly noticed the bunker was quiet aside from the hum of the generator.

"Hello?" you called walking down the hall to the map table, "Dean? Sam?". Just as you entered the library everyone jumped out and yelled surprise. Your eyes widened as you looked around. It was decorated in Halloween themed colors.

"What's this?" you asked.

"We know you love Halloween and it's your birthday so we threw you a Halloween themed birthday party," Dean explained.

"You did all this for me?" you asked as you walked over and gave Dean a hug.

"We all did," he said hugging back. You had an amazing time. They had made sure the party was perfect from the candy tray of kitkats, twix, sour patch kids, crunch bars, and starbursts to a special little present hunt. After the gift hunt ended you danced and snacked the night away until you were basically falling asleep sitting at the map table. The boys kept telling you to go to bed but you were just too exhausted to get up.

Jack scooped you up gently and carried you to your room. Just as you drifted off Jack whispered happy birthday and kissed your cheek. 

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