Sam x Reader Imagine #30 (REQUESTED)

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AUTHOR NOTE: Thi was requested by _padahiddles_

You set there in your favorite bean bag chair in the library of the bunker. You were supposed to be brushing up on lore but you couldn't stop yourself from daydreaming. Dean noticed and like always rolled his eyes. "Earth to Y/N," he said clapping his hands and snapping you out of your thoughts.

"Sorry Dean," you said looking back at your book.

"When are you gonna listen to me and just tell him already?" Dean asked.

"What I am supposed to say Dean?" you asked, "Sam I'm desperately in love with you. Have been for years,".

"Short and to the point," Dean said, "what's the worst that could happen?".

"Oh I don't know Dean," you said, "I could get rejected and have my heart broken. He could laugh in my face or I could ruin our friendship,".

"Or," Sam said walking into the room, "we could both have everything we've been looking for,". You blushed realizing Sam had heard everything you said.

"I'll leave you two kids alone," Dean said with a smile and left the room.

"Sam you don't have to tell me what you think I wanna hear," you said, "you don't have to pretend to like me back.".

"I'm not pretending Y/N," he said walking over to you and taking your hands in his helping you stand up. Your face heated up more as he wrapped his arms around your waist, "you're beautiful, smart, witty, and one badass monster killer. You're a total package,".

"Sam that's sweet," you said, "but you really don't," you were cut off as Sam's lips touched yours. The kiss was soft but firm. Surely passion fueled. With one kiss Sam finally got through to you that he loved you and was yours.

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