Jensen X Reader Imagine #3 (REQUESTED)

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AUTHOR NOTE: This was requested by spn_sophers. This also mentions relationship abuse. So please read with caution. Nothing too detailed though.

You sat in the bathroom. You had been in there so long that the tear stains on your cheeks had dried. It was another bad night between you and your boyfriend. He was drunk and you didn't cook something he wanted the way he wanted and that got you a busted lip and black eye. You locked yourself in the bathroom and when he heard you messing with your phone he took off. After about ten minutes you got up, left the bathroom, and gathered a few things and headed for your car. You needed to be somewhere you felt safe. With your big brother. You drove there as fast you could scared your boyfriend had spotted you and followed you. You pulled up to your brother's house and hurried to the door and knocked. You figured your brother was off at work so his wife would answer the door.

You panicked a little when your brother answered the door but as he took in your appearance his face hardened and you broke down as you clung to your big brother. "What happened?" Jensen asked.

"It was my fault," you said, "I made him mad,". Jensen's eyes widened.

"He hit you?" he asked anger building in his voice, "I'll kill him,". Jensen grabbed his keys and headed for his car but Danneel followed him. It took a few minutes but she managed to calm him down a little. A little while later you sat in the living room with an ice pack on your eye. "Why didn't tell us Y/N?" he asked.

"I was scared," you said.

"Of what?" he asked.

"Of him finding out I told you," you said looking away from your brother's eyes, "or of you being ashamed of me for getting myself in a bad situation,".

"Y/N this is not your fault," he said, "he had no right at all to ever lay his hands on you,".

"You're staying here," Danneel said, "we'll get your stuff out of his apartment for you,". Jensen nodded in agreement. Later that night Danneel had given you a pair of pajamas and you took a much needed soothing, hot bath. They let you stay in the guest room and as soon as you laid on the bed you were out. The next morning Jensen and Danneel had headed over to the apartment to get your stuff. Just as Danneel was putting the last of your clothes in the back of the car your boyfriend finally arrived home.

"What's going on?" he asked.

"What's going is you and my sister are over," Jensen said getting up in his face, "and if you ever come near her again you'll be the one hurting,". With that, he and Danneel got in the car and drove off. You never saw the loser again. 

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