A Werehunter's Heart (Garth X Reader)

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SPECIAL NOTE: This takes place as if Chuck didn't pull the bull he did. Also, this does mention the death of a character from the show. I just wanted to state that so no one gets angry.

You and the boys were just hanging around the bunker. You had joined them a few years ago. Sam was on his laptop looking for a case, Dean and Jack were watching Scooby-Doo, and you were currently in an emoji war with Castiel. You were determined to send more emojis them him. You sent a laughing with tears emoji, a smiley with money sign eyes and dollar tongue, and an emoji with a long nose to the angel.

"It's not fair to use emojis I don't have Y/N," Castiel said.

"Hey we didn't set any rules blue eyes," you said as you sent him a heart and a bumblebee emoji. He gave you a small glare as you laughed. Suddenly there was pounding at the bunker door. The boys instantly stood up and grabbed their guns as you did too. Jack and Castiel stood by prepared for whatever happens as Dean and Sam and headed for the door. Dean opened it and in limped a scrawny guy. He had three kids with him. A little girl and two baby boys.

"Garth, what the hell happened?" Dean asked as he helped him down the stairs.

"Hunter," he said as Dean helped him sit down in a chair, "broke into the house. Bess is," he didn't finish before he broke down.

"Y/N, check the kids for injuries," Sam said, "Cas, think you can heal him?" the angel nodded as you checked the little ones for any injuries. Castiel placed two fingers on Garth's head and he was healed in seconds.

"No scratches or anything on the kids," you told them.

"Garth this is our friend Y/N," Dean said, "Y/N our buddy Garth and his kids Gertie," he pointed to the little girl, "and the boys Sam and Castiel,". You just nodded at Garth.

"Y/N, why don't you try to help the little ones sleep in a spare room," Dean said, "we can talk to Garth,". You nodded and picked the little boys up.

"Follow me, sweetie," you told Gertie as you headed down the hall. Dean, Sam, Castiel, and Jack all sat at the map table. Dean passed Garth a beer. Garth didn't even seem to notice. He just stared off into space.

"Walk us through it, Garth," Dean said.

"It was just a normal night," Garth said still staring off, "Bess made steak lasagna for dinner, we ate, gave the boys a bath. I tucked Gertie in. We put the boys down for the night and went to bed. Next thing I know I heard Bess scream then a gunshot. I hear the boys and Gertie crying. I jumped up and came face to face with a hunter,".

"Did you recognize him?" Sam asked.

"He was wearing a ski mask over his head," he told them, "but I could tell by the way he fought and the stuff he carried he was a hunter,".

"Did he say anything?" Dean asked.

"After I managed to fight him off I saw him grab what looked like a cell phone or a walkie talkie and he told someone he ganked the," he stopped for a minute as he swallowed hard and tears formed in his eyes, "mutt bitch but he needed back,". He broke down again after that.

"Kids are asleep," you said joining them, "I made Gertie a palette on the floor so you could have the bed, Garth,". He nodded.

"Garth don't worry," Dean said, "we'll find the s.o.bs who did this and they'll pay,". 

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