My Last Name (Dean X Reader)

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You woke up in a hotel room you didn't really recognize. You sat up and instantly clutched your head in yours as it pounded. That's when you felt something cold touch your forehead. You looked and noticed a small gold ring on your left ring finger. Your eyes widened. "What the hell have I done?" you asked yourself as bits and pieces of the night before played in your head. You remembered you and your friends downing shots. At least ten between you each. Then you remembered dancing. You remembered a guy with the greenest eyes. You were dancing together. You remembered downing several beers with him and you remember leaving the bar all laughs with the green-eyed guy. Then you remembered a room with fake flowers around and empty white chairs.

Then it dawned on you. You realized the huge mistake you made. You had gotten so drunk and married some guy you didn't even know. That's when you noticed the shower was on in the bathroom. You started to panic. You suddenly felt very scared. You grabbed your clothes and whatever items were yours and a set of keys on the nightstand and ran out of the room. The only car you saw was a black Impala and you went for it. You felt more at ease when the keys unlocked the door. You jumped in, started the old car, and dashed off. Hoping to leave this whole mess behind you.

Dean walked out of the bathroom and saw the girl he shared the bed with was gone. He looked around and noticed all her stuff was gone too. He also noticed his keys were gone. You grabbed his phone and dialed his brother. Soon Sam was there. "Dean, what the hell happened?" Sam asked.

"I don't know Sammy," Dean said putting his shoes on, "I remember dancing, and then having beers with this girl and then I wake up with her in this room and a ring on my finger,".

"So where is she now?" Sam asked.

"I'm guessing she woke up, freaked out and bailed," Dean said, "with my car,".

"So how do we track her down?" Sam asked.

"Luckily after those kids stole her I had a tracker installed on the car," Dean said, "but we gotta get back to the bunker to check where she is and then get there,".

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