Wrongfully Accused Part 6 (Lucifer X Reader)

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That night you had trouble sleeping. You felt stupid feeling so upset. It's not like you and Lucifer were a couple. Where you? You two definitely talked and flirted like you were. And you knew without a doubt you were in love with him. Yes, you hadn't met face to face but you just knew. He was on your mind all the time. Talking to him was always the best part of your day. You tried to keep your mind occupied. Luckily you had to help Sam organize files again. You were organizing his planner the next day for upcoming classes for him when lunchtime came. Today was a rare day. You were spending lunch with both your brothers. Dean walked in carrying two large pizzas and some sodas. "Hey," he greeted as he nodded at Sam and hugged you.

"The pizza smells amazing," you said.

"And yes I got your favorite," he said handing you a napkin and a soda. You sat and enjoyed the food as you listened to your brothers talk.

"How's work going?" Sam asked.

"Good," he said, "had to break up a fight at the prison last night. Luckily I was helping take new prisoners there,". Your heart sunk as you listened to them.

"Anyone we know?" Sam asked.

"Yep," he said, "Lucifer Shurley,". You looked down at your pizza slice. Fighting so hard to keep the tears that wanted to form at bay. Lucifer was hurt and you were sure even though he didn't start it he was getting the blame.

"How bad?" Sam asked.

"He's bruised up pretty bad," Dean said, "a black eye, busted up lip, And of course he claims he didn't do anything,".

"Were any others hurt?" Sam asked.

"Not as bad as he was but there were three of them," Dean asked.

"Excuse me," you said getting up, "bathroom,". You hurried out of your brother's office and as soon as you entered the bathroom you broke down. Images of Lucifer being attacked flooded your mind. Your brothers didn't believe him but you did. You wanted to be there for him so bad. To comfort him. Take care of him. You hated that you couldn't. After you calmed down and cleaned up your face so your brothers wouldn't notice you had been crying you went back to Sam's office. You picked at your pizza as they talked about some event Pastor Shurley was planning. Pastor Chuck Shurley was Lucifer's father. They didn't get along at all. In fact, Lucifer was pretty sure his father got him locked up somehow.

The rest of the day went by slow. You were worried and sad but luckily you kept your brothers from noticing. When you got home you made sure to keep your phone on charge just in case Lucifer did call tonight. You picked up your apartment and made yourself a small dinner. After you ate you curled up on your couch to watch TV. Just as you were almost asleep your phone rang. You quickly grabbed it and part of you felt so relieved when the number of the prison popped up. "Hello," you happily greeted.

"Hey," he greeted back. Your heart ached at how sore and tired he sounded, "I'm sorry we didn't talk last night,".

"Are you alright?" you asked. You needed to hear it from him himself.

"I'm fine," he said. You heard him hiss a little as he moved to get a little more comfortable, "nothing new really,".

"I heard what happened," you said sounding a little sad, "I wish I could help you feel better,".

"Just hearing your voice eases my pain Y/N," he said and you blushed, "but hey maybe if I ever get out I'll hold you to that in other ways of healing," you sensed that flirty tone you've come to love and you giggled.

"So sure of ourselves are we?" you asked teasing back. And like that it was like you two never missed one call. When you had a few minutes left Lucifer got silent for a second.

"There was something I wanted to ask you," he stated.

"OK, what is it?" you asked curiously.

"My birthday is Friday," he started, "and thats also visitor day. Would you be up to coming to visit me?". You felt your heart beat faster.

"I would love to," you said, "but I thought only family could visit,".

"And romantic partners," he added, "you would just have to tell them you were my girl,". You blushed even deeper and your eyes widened as your smile grew.

"Lucifer, are you asking me to be your girlfriend?" you playful asked with a giggle. And in the most serious yet gentle tone, he said.

"Yes I am,". 

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