Nick X Reader Imagine #7 (REQUESTED)

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AUTHOR NOTE: This was requested by djinn.n

"Do I have to?" you complained.

"Yes," Sam said, "Me, Mom, and a few hunters are gonna look for Dean. You're the only left who can look after him,".

"Fine," you rolled your eyes. Sam was tasking you with watching after Nick. Lucifer's vessel. He had woken up recently. Apparently killing an archangel with an archangel blade only kills the angel, not the human they were possessing. It was actually easier than you anticipated. Nick didn't really talk much. Not that you could blame him but maybe you could help him open up. You went to his room and the door was open. "Um, I was gonna make dinner. If you're hungry your welcome to join me," you told him. He turned to you. He looked tired and a little scared.

"Sure," he said in a tone so low you almost didn't hear him.

"Anything you would like?" you asked. You wanted to be considerate.

"Anything is fine," he said. You nodded and headed to the kitchen. About an hour later you were pulling a cheesy chicken and broccoli casserole out of the oven as Nick walked in.

"just in time," you said with a friendly smile. He half smiled back and sat at the table as you served him than you. "would you like a soda?: you asked and he nodded. You grabbed two sodas and handed him one. It was silent for a few moments.

"Would you tell me about yourself?" he asked. That took you by surprise a little but you wanted him to feel comfortable so you told him some stuff about you. You could tell he was listening intently.

"and I refused to leave the dog behind after we killed the monster so I brought it back to the bunker and cared for it until we found a home for it," you said finishing your last story. By that time Nick seemed to be relaxing and he was even smiling more. "Can I ask why you wanted to know about me?" you asked. You were curious.

"I wanted to know what it was about you," he said.

"What do you mean?" you asked confused.

"What about you made him fall for you," he explained.

"Who?" you asked.

"Lucifer," he said, "he fell for you pretty hard. Said you were a rare human with an actual pure soul and heart,". You sat there stunned. 

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