To Pass The Time Away Part 3 (Team Free Will X Reader)

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It's been about a month into the lockdown and little Y/N runs to her room. The boys did manage to sneak out and get her some stuff to keep her busy. Her favorite was a toy box and an arts and craft cubby. She decided she wanted to make something so she searched through the cubby. She found some little brown paper bags and a box of crayons. She smiled as she got an idea and grabbed them. She placed one of the bags in front of her on the table in her room and grabbed a red, black, brown, and green crayon. She started to color a sorta checkered pattern on the bottom of the bag with the black and red crayons. Trying to make a flannel pattern as best she could. She took the brown crayon and started coloring swirls on the top of the bag that looked like hair. She then took the green crayon and colored two green circles on the bag.

When she was done she put that bag aside and grabbed another one. She then took out a light brown, a blue, and a white crayon. She got to work on making another flannel-like design with the blue and white crayons on the bottom of the bag. She then grabbed the brown crayon again and drew long hair on the top of the bag. She then used it again and lightly colored eyes onto the bag. She grabbed a tan crayon and started to draw a little coat on the next bag along with a blue and white striped tie. She drew some black hair on the top and used a dark blue crayon and colored on eyes.

For the last bag, she used the white crayon to draw a shirt on it and used the light brown one to draw hair and a blue crayon to draw eyes. She smiled when she was done. She grabbed each bag she drew on and headed off to find the others. She spotted Castiel and Sam sitting at the map table and snuck under it. She then grabbed the Dean puppet she made and raised it up. "Hi Castiel," she said in a bad deep voice, "it's Dean I want pie!". The angel looked at the paper puppet Dean confused.

"Seems someone has made puppets," Sam said as Dean walked in.

"I'm not a puppet Sammy," Y/N said as she giggled, "I want pie!".

"Can I see that Y/N?" Dean asked. She giggled crawling out from under the table and handed Dean the puppet that looked like him. He put the puppet on his hand and acted like it was talking to him. "I agree with you puppet Dean," he said. Y/N titled her head.

"What did he say?" she asked.

"Will he said it's time to tickle Y/N," he said. Y/N's eyes widened.

"NO!" she yelled and took off giggling as Dean chased her. This caused the other three men to laugh. 

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