Gadreel X Reader Imagine (REQUESTED)

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This was requested by starryangelimagines

You had to admit things were bad with Gadreel for a while with the whole being under Metatron's control. But you just knew he wasn't as bad as he was acting. He was easily influenced. You convinced the boys to give him another chance and after a while, Gadreel started to settle in well. It was around Christmas time and you were getting out things to make your famous homemade Christmas cookies. You were mixing the cookie dough when Gadreel walked into the kitchen. "What are you doing Y/N?" he asked.

"I'm making Christmas cookies," you told him, "I make the best cookies,".

"Being an angel I don't eat, but I have no doubts that you're cookies are the best," he said making you smile.

"Wanna help cut them out and decorate them?" you asked.

"I would love to make cookies with you Y/N," you smiled as you grabbed the box of Christmas shaped cookie cutters from the cabinet. You guys cut out a gingerbread man, a reindeer, a candy cane, a stocking, and the littles to spell out Santa. Once they were all cut out you placed them on the cookie sheet and popped them in the oven. While they cooked you got the icing ready as Gadreel happily cleaned up the mess from the cookie dough. Once the cookies were done and cooled you and Gadreel started decorating them. You watched as he spread red icing on the candy shaped cookie. You smiled as you decorated the letter shaped cookies. Soon all of them we iced but the gingerbread man cookie.

"We can decorate this one together if you want," you offered. He nodded.

"I would enjoy that," he said. You first colored in the cookie with white icing. Then you handed a little cup of candies to him. "You can use these to give it a face,". He took the tiny cup and looked inside it. He placed two red M&Ms for its eyes and a green one for its nose. He then took three tiny peanut butter cups from the cup and used them as buttons. "How does it look?" he asked.

"Good enough to eat," you joked earning a small chuckle from the angel. You placed the cookies on a plate as the angel once again cleaned up any mess. "Since the cookies are done what should we do now?" you asked.

"Why don't we watch a movie as you enjoy the cookies?" he suggested. You smiled.

"That sounds nice Gadreel," you said grabbing the cookies as you two headed for your room where you watched the Grinch as you feasted on the cookies that were definitely made with love. 

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