If Loving You Is Wrong Part 6 (Dean X Reader)

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After a few more drinks, a game of pool which you won, and a little kissing session in the corner you and Dean headed outside getting ready to head separate ways. "I'm gonna miss you," you said as you both reached your car and you wrapped your arms around his neck. He placed his hands on your hips as he gave you a tender kiss.

"I'm always a call away sweetheart," he said, "and I promise we'll get some longer alone time soon,". You gave him one more kiss before climbing into your car. Dean watched as you drove off and then hopped into Baby. You were driving along singing to a mixtape of old songs Dean had made for you when suddenly bright lights turned on behind you. You looked in your rearview mirror and noticed a police car light on top of the car. So you pulled over but wasn't sure why they were following you. You made sure you had your license and stuff ready as you heard the cop get out of his car and head for yours. He tapped on your window.

"Is something wrong officer?" you asked.

"I need to see your license and registration please Miss," he said and you handed them to him. He looked over them. "Can you step out of the car please," he ordered. As you went to open the door something ran up and tackled the officer. This caused you the slammed the door shut as you peered out the window. You felt a little relieved but confused when you saw it was Dean. He was shouting and both men were putting up a hell of a fight. You got out of the car. "Dean what's going on?!" you asked.

"Get back in the car Y/N!" he ordered. He now had a gun pointed at the officer.

"Dean Winchester," the officer spat wiping blood from his lip, "look at you protecting a monster,".

"She's not a monster," Dean ordered.

"She's a rabid dog that needs to be put down!" he said. That's when it hit you. This guy wasn't an officer at all. He was a hunter. "I'm curious how did you know?" he asked.

"I spotted you following her as I got in my car at the bar," Dean explained, "thats when I pulled up just in time to see put a silver bullet in your gun,".

"You know what has to be done Dean," he said, "this is what hunters do!".

"No one is touching her," Dean stated firmly.

"Looks I get it she's pretty," he said, "probably a bitch in heat," he smirked looking at you. The hatred in his eyes made your stomach turn.

"You got one more insult until you're down on the ground," Dean warned. Suddenly the cop pointed his gun at you and fired just as Dean shot him. 

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