Dean X Reader Imagine #43 (REQUESTED)

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Author Note: This was written for ochizoku_levy for their birthday. I'm sorry it's late sweetie. I hope you like it Happy late birthday!

It took you a while but you felt as though you were finally beginning to move on from him. The guy who stole your heart. The guy who pretty much had you from the moment you looked into those beautiful green eyes. Dean Winchester definitely turned your world upside down. You and Dean fell for each other fast. The best romance of your life for sure. Until he found out who or rather what you were.

You stood there frozen. You went to pick up your bag and everything spilled out. All your spell casting ingredients all over the floor and you didn't have time to pick them up before Dean could see them. He just stood there still as a statue. The look on his face displayed his anger perfectly. He walked toward the door. and Stopped as he opened it. He didn't turn to look at you.

"I'm going to get some stuff for the bunker," he said, "when I get back. You better be gone,". With that, he walked off as your heart shattered.

So you left the day and you never heard from the boys again. Until today. For the first time in over three years, you heard the voice of the hunter you still loved when you answered the phone. "Y/N?" you heard.

"Dean?" you asked, "what's wrong?" you asked. You knew he'd never call you unless he was in trouble. Thats when Dean filled on everything. Chuck was pissed and he was tearing down everything. He explained how Rowena died and was now running hell as the queen. You were the only other witch they knew and they needed your help. "I'm on my way," you said hanging up and grabbing your stuff. You got to the bunker in no time and hurried in. In the next few hours, you had made some hex bags to protect the boys and a few other hunters. Dean watched as you worked. You were still just as beautiful as you were the last time he saw you. He knew he overreacted back then. Not all witches were bad and truth be told he missed you like crazy. "Ok so I think I've made a bundle for everyone," you said as Dean walked over and counted.

"Jody, Bobby, Donna," he checked off, "sounds about right. Thanks, Y/N," You nodded.

"Guess I'll go now," you said, "you guys stay safe Dean,".

Y/N wait," he said gently grabbing your hand. It was the touch you missed so much. A touch you longed for, "can we talk?". There was a pleading look in his eyes you couldn't ignore. You nodded and soon found yourself sitting in the bunker kitchen. Dean sat across from you. "I'm sorry," he said in such a low tone you almost didn't hear him.

"For what?" you asked confused. This time he looked at you.

"For letting you go," he said, "I was angry and upset. Maybe even a little scared,".

"Dean I would never in my life ever hurt you," you said.

"I mean I was scared of others finding out," he said, "of you being a witch. I know how hunters think. I am a hunter but I'm a hunter who is in love with a witch,".

"So you made me leave to protect me?" you asked. He nodded.

"I know it wasn't the best way to go about it but I had to protect you," he said. You grabbed his hands and squeezed them gently.

"I love you too Dean," he said, "but we are so much better together,". He smiled.

"Couldn't agree more sweetheart," he said giving your hands little kisses. You were finally home. 

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