Don't Close Your Eyes (Nick X Reader)

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You were once the only human to steal the heart of the archangel Lucifer. You took pride in being the devil's girlfriend. You were happy, but then the Winchesters in some egotistical version of Lucifer's brother Micheal from some other world crashed your world down to the ground when they killed the love of your life. You were completely heartbroken. The only thing that brought you any comfort was spending time with his vessel Nick. Apparently, when an archangel is stabbed with an archangel blade the angel dies but the vessel lives. As time went on you and Nick found comfort in each other. Things soon turned romantic but you couldn't help but daydream of the angel you loved and missed whenever you two were together.

Nick knew this of course and at first, he was ok with it. Being the vessel for Lucifer he saw the love and devotion you both had for each other. But over time Nick started to fall for you. He wanted so bad for you to be with him when you two were making love but he knew your mind always drifted to Lucifer when you closed your eyes. It was a typical night for you two. Cuddled on the couch as you kissed. Nick wanted so much to make you see he could treat you just as loving as Lucifer had. Halfway into the make-out session he stopped and sat up. "I can't do this," he said.

"Do what?" you asked confused, "what's wrong?".

"Y/N," he said taking your hand in his, "why can't you be with me?".

"I am with you," you said.

"No your not," he said, "not in your head,". You sighed.

"Not this again Nick," you said getting up.

"I know you loved him Y/N," he said getting up and gently grabbing your hand again, "but can't see I love you. I have for a while,".

"Nick just drop it please," you said. You could feel tears trying to build.

"Do you even care or know how much it hurts knowing physically your laying with me," he said, "but in your head your laying with him?". You just stood there staring at the ground. "Why won't you give me a chance Y/N?" he said softly cupping your face in his hands. "I know I'm not him but I can love just as fiercely as he did,".

"I can't Nick," you said tears filling your eyes.

"Why not?" he asked.

"Because I loved him!," you shouted moving from his hold, "I still love him,". Nick's heart broke at the pain coming from you.

"I know you love him," he said gently grabbing your hand, "and I know he loved you. But he's gone now Y/N. Don't you think he would want you to be happy with someone he knows would love you? Take care of you? Protect you?". You just nodded and wiping tears away, "I'm right here Y/N. Please give me a chance. A real chance,".

"I don't know how," you whispered. Nick wrapped his arms around you.

"I do," he said, "from now on when you kiss me when you hold me when we make love don't close your eyes to pretend you're with him. Close them to enjoy being with me. Don't just let me make love to you Y/N, make love with me,". You looked into his blue eyes as he gently wiped more tears away.

"What if I can't?" you asked.

"It doesn't hurt to try," he said leaning down and softly kissing your lips. You kept your eyes opened at first. Wanting to show Nick you were trying. Soon you wrapped your arms around his neck. Your eyes slowly closed but you didn't envision the archangel you loved this time. You let yourself see Nick. Enjoy the real feeling of his lips moving with yours. You let the warmth of his body embrace you. He wasn't your angel anymore. As much as it hurt Lucifer was gone but just maybe Nick could be just what you needed to heal your broken heart. 

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