Mark Pellegrino X Reader Imagine #2 Part 3 FINALE (REQUESTED)

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Mark sat beside you on the edge of the bed. You were worried. He had clearly been crying and he looked so upset. He may have ended things, but you still loved him which meant you still worried about him. Right now you were a little alarmed. He hadn't said anything since you let him in. "Mark, what's wrong?" you asked. Suddenly you found yourself wrapped in his embrace. A feeling you had longed for for so long.

"Y/N I am so sorry," he said. You were confused. You two had barely spoken in a year. What could he be apologizing for?

"For what Mark?" you asked.

"For breaking your heart," he said. You were a little stunned, "I realize now how big of a mistake that was. I thought I could let you go. I thought we would be happier,".

"Mark, it's ok," you said.

"No Y/N," He said as he let you out of the hug but gently held your hands, "it's not. The truth is I've been miserable since the minute I walked away from you. But I know now that I wanna be your happiness Y/N. I wanna the one who makes you smile. I wanna be the one that makes you laugh. I wanna be the who gets to hold you, kiss you. I wanna be the who gets to tell you every day that I love you. But I've lost that chance,". You looked at him confused.

"What do you mean Mark?" you asked, "how have you lost that chance?".

"I saw you earlier tonight at the diner," he said, "I hope that guy knows how lucky he is,". He went to stand up and you gently stopped him by grabbing his shoulder.

"I was on a blind date," you told him, "but Mark I can assure you I was not happy,".

"You were laughing and you seemed happy," he pointed out.

"Mark, I was miserable," you admitted. He looked at you confused, "it was all pretend. Yeah I laughed at jokes I barely listened too and I wore a fake smile but Mark, all I could think about was how much I missed you. How much I wished you were sitting there with me," tears started to form in your eyes, "It's always been you, Mark. It will always be you who makes me happy. And I want nothing more to be back in your arms and to kiss you. Mark, I have always loved you. I don't care about our age difference, and I don't care about having a family. My future is with you Mark Pellegrino," He gently caressed your cheek and you both briefly made eye contact before he leaned in and softly kissed you.

At first, you both took the kiss slowly. Both hoping it was real. Once you realized it was the kiss became more passionate, but remained slow, tender as you wrapped arms around his neck and he wrapped you in his arms. At that moment you both felt right again. You both finally felt at home again. When the kiss finally ended Mark rested his head on yours. "I love you so much,". he said. You smiled.

"I love you too," you said.

"I know this might be a bad time," he said, "but I don't wanna waste another second with you,". He got up and for a minute you were confused as you watched him reach into his pocket. But you couldn't stop the tears when you watched him turn to you and get down on one knee. He opened the box to reveal a gorgeous diamond ring. "Y/N, I love you and I can't picture another day without the love of my life beside me. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?". You basically leaped up yelling yes. He chuckled as he slid the ring on your finger.

Before you knew it you two were standing in front of your friends and family. As they announced you, husband and wife, everyone cheered. Mark smiled at you. "Always my beautiful angel,". You smiled.

"Always my handsome devil," you said as you both shared a sweet kiss. Your very first kiss as Mr. and Mrs. Pellegrino. 

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