Dean X Reader Imagine #35 (REQUESTED)

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AUTHOR NOTE: This was requested by superyungbkilljoy_06

You were on bed rest due to a broken leg thanks to a werewolf who pushed you out a window during your last hunt. You hated it with a passion. You felt useless and to make it worse you felt like you were a burden on your boyfriend Dean. True you never asked or demanded anything he did but it still made you feel bad. Dean was so sweet since you got hurt. Making sure you were content and taken care of. Do you need another pillow? Are you hungry? Do you want anything from the store? Do you need help getting to the bathroom? and so on. You were so lucky to have an amazing man like Dean Winchester in your life.

In the life of a hunter love was a hard thing to find and keep but you were both hunters and took down monsters together. You were lucky and thankful for every second with Dean. Dean walked in with a tray of snacks. You noticed they were all your favorites. "Hey sweetheart," he greeted as he sat beside you and leaned over to kiss your cheek, "I brought you some snacks and we can watch any movie you want. Even a chick flick,". You giggled.

"You must really love me, Dean Winchester," you said.

"Of course I do," he said. You snuggled together in bed as you watched movies. Dean looked over at you when he noticed you were staring at him."What?" he asked.

"Why have you been spoiling me lately?" you said, "it's just a broken leg,". He smiled as he leaned down and gave you a soft kiss.

"Anything for my baby," he said resting his head against yours.

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