A Werehunter's Heart Part 2 (Garth X Reader)

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The next morning the boys were hard at work tracking down any and all hunters whereabouts around Garth's town. "Find any?" Dean asked, "I asked Jody if any hunters she knew where in town she said no,".

"According to a few hunters there were a few cases in Garth towns," Sam said.

"Do we know any of the hunters in the area?" Dean asked.

Well Eileen said she hasn't spoken to many hunters lately," Sam explained, "Jody said the only hunter she knew was in that town left two months ago,".

"What about Donna?" Dean asked.

"Donna said she sent a group of five hunters nearby the town to take out a small vamps nest," he said, "but she said two of them never checked in,".

"She give names?" he asked.

"Yeah," he said, "Mathew Knox and Maria Riddle,".

"Well let's see if they're in the man of letters database," Dean said. The boys spent about ten minutes searching before coming across two files. One for Knox and another for Riddles. "Doesn't say much about Mathew," Dean said, "high school drop out. Father was a hunter like ours. Left alone a lot growing up. Says he's known for being a pretty good ghoul hunter. Anything on Maria?".

"Grew up in the hunting life," Sam started, "youngest in a family of hunters. Mother, father, and two older sisters. Says that for a short time as a kid the family stopped hunting. She attended school," suddenly Sam's face tensed.

"What?" he asked.

"It says that during her school time she had a friend," he said, "Bess Myer,".

"Garth's Bess?" he asked. Sam nodded as he showed him a picture of a younger Bess and another girl.

"Think we should ask Garth about her?" Sam asked.

"Couldn't hurt," Dean said, "then we'll track down any hunters who know her and Mathew,". You were helping Gertie tuck the twins in when the boys entered the room.

"Hey, Garth can we talk for a second?" Dean asked.

"Hey Gertie," you said, "wanna help me make dinner?"

"Yeah," the little girl said excitedly as you two headed to the kitchen.

"She's really good with the kids," Garth said. Sam and Dean nodded.

"She is," Sam said.

"Listen, Garth," Dean started, "I know it's hard to talk about her but did Bess ever mention a girl named Maria Little?". Garth thought for a minute.

"Yeah, she went to school with her when she was a kid," he said.

"Any chance Bess kept in contact with her?" Dean asked.

"No, Bess said last she heard she and her family were hunting again,". he explained, "why?".

"Well, we discovered that Maria was on a hunt in your town around the time of the attack," Dean said, "her and one other hunter. Mathew Knox,".

"I don't know any hunters by that name," he said. During dinner, the boys went over the plan to travel to Donna's and talk to the hunters who knew Maria and Mathew. "Should I go with you?" Garth asked.

"No you stay here with Y/N," Dean said, "spend time with your kids,". 

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